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Do you believe psyhics

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:shocked!: :shocked!: I believe that everything is posible. I have a friend that believes strongly in it. We sent the psyhics a picture of me and my ex, I called him the next day, over the phone he read the pictures to me, i didn't tell him nothing about my life or my exs life. Everything this man said to me was the trust. He told me things about my exs and my life that know one else knows. I live in california and this man lives in mexico, i have never met him. How many of you believe in them? :shocked!:

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I actually believe in certain psychics, like Sylvia Brown. I believe that woman truly has a gift...

But people like that Blonde woman on the sci-fi channel are just getting people for their money. She literally has to guess at everything, and people play into it.

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I believe people are capable of having these gifts of speaking to the other side and being able to tell you things about yourself or your past from communcations with them, or are able to see health problems from blocks in your chakras...are able to have psychic premonitions, but I don't see any lottery winners

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I believe that when people are faced with uncertainty they want to turn to something that makes them feel secure. There are many ways to do this, is one right as opposed to the others, I would say thats a matter of personal decision. People want to control what is uncontrollable, psychics and religion help with this. People believe what they want to believe, and it doesnt hurt to believe a psychic.

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If someone could tell me about my whole life simply from looking at a picture of me I would believe them! Who is this guy? Did he tell you anything you didn't already know, like about your future with your ex for example?


I personally believe that there are people who do have the amazing gift that we call psychic ability. I also believe that there are people out there who give it a bad name, like Miss Cleo and the woman on the animal channel who says she can talk to your pets. I'm not sure if I'm falling for that one.


I believe in God but I also believe in mystical things. Contradictory maybe, but it's what I believe and it makes sense to me.

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Its called the power of suggestion. These people never ask straight questions or state facts out right.

When you send a photo with the persons name thats all they need. Guessing by the age of the person in the photo they might ask something like 'is this your girlfriend?' or wife if the person is a bit older and normally that will be right. If the person looks happy in the photo anyone can guess that you are in a good strong happy relationship and chances are that will be correct. Judging by age again someone could probably guess roughly how long a relationship has lasted for. The list goes on. And each time you say yes thats right they can guess a bit more, if you didn't say anything to them they'd be stuck from the start.

Now if I sent a photo to one of these so called psyics and they phonned me up and said 'Dont talk I will tell you everything' and then proceeded to tell me my FULL name, age, where I live etc then I'd believe it, they just drill the info out of you by asking seemingly subtle questions.

Same goes for the type who are meant to predict the future. They ask something like 'are you in a relationship?' and if you tell them 'no' chances are they will 'predict' that you are going to meet a tall dark handsome stranger, which I'd say nearly everyone has in their life. Or you draw the death card and they say 'the death card isnt bad it indicates change, are you going through any changes in life?' Which most people are to some degree like splitting up, moving house or getting a new job.

If somebody was truley psyhic they should be able to tell you anything about you or anyone else without a photograph and without asking questions.


Same goes for those who can supposidly talk to people on the other side. They might ask your age first now say you are in your 20s chances are your grand parents may be dead so they say 'oooohh your grandmother wants to tell you something' or if you are older chances are your parents are dead so it will be them who want to say something.


Why do they never predict the lottery numbers? 'oh becuase I cant use my skills for personal gain' well I am sorry but there must be some dishonest psyhics out there (arent they all!). Why can't they stop accidents etc? Because there was no-one there to suggest things to!


It is a load of rubbish! The power of suggestion is real.

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I agree with RosstheBoss and Ying to the world's Yang.


There have been many and several government and scientific tests run on people who claim to be psychic and so far not one has passed the test of science.


Why won't Sylvia Brown let the scientifc community put her to the test?


Just because one can generalize and make blanket statements that can apply to almost anyone, does not mean they are psychic.


So, long answer to your short question, do I believe in psychics?

Absolutely not.

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  • 3 months later...

Think Guys

When you speak to a spirit you don't know who you are really talking to. Yea they can know a lot and speak a lot of truths but why do so many people assume they are beings who tell the truth and with your best interest at heart.

What would you do if you really Knew who you were talking to , would you keep doing it because it gave you a sense of power that you could tell others the future. But at what expense,

How do you know that these beings are not of the Devil. Satan doesn't get around saying Hey I'm bad and ugly. He will seduce you into his plans as you talk to satanic beings who will take over your body so they can fulfill their own purpose.



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