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im scared that i might be falling into a depression... i feel sad 80% percent of the time. i cry sometimes, not really knowing why... i dont know whats going on. i used to be a generally happy person. Any advice on whats happening? this might probably be linked with my boyfriend problem and me not being trusting enough but it seems like more than that... ah i dont know... im all mixed up

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its been going on for about a month.. and the boyfriend thing, its just a paranoid feeling when he goes out sometimes... its dumb i know but whatever. ive had alot of friends whose bfs cheated on them, my did too 2 yrs ago but im over it. i get dumb feeling every once in a while...

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When in doubt, seek the help of a professional. My fiance has a real problem with depression, and now she is on an anti-depressant that helps a LOT. Do not rule out chemical changes as the source of your problems.


I would *highly* recommend you seek help ASAP. It can't hurt, and may help a lot.

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hmm well if u feel depressed like 80% of the time and cry for like no reason, wow that sounds like me alot but i'm worse in many ways, i would like take one of those things like on link removed and see what it says then u can always bring it up to a doctor or somone like ur mom or somone who might b able to help but if u do have it, like i have moderate depression i would b taking somthing for that but all the medicines can make u suicidal so i suggest u dont take anything for that.....u just have to talk to ur friends and ppl who u really trust and feel comfortable with or just b the way u r and accept it

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