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When does friendship become love?


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Romantic love is great - really. It makes a cloudy day sunny. It makes me smile all day long just thinking of someone.


But there are other types of relationships that are nurturing too. I got to thinking that people are so focused on romance that they miss or under-appreciate the beauty of their other relationships. You know, relationships of admiration and of companionship.


I met a man who shares some of the same hobbies as I do. We like each other very much but there has never been (probably may never) be a point where it transcends friendship. I used to think there was something wrong with me if a guy I met doesn't ask me out after we're around each other a lot. But I don't think like that anymore. I like him a lot. I may love him. I wouldn't ask for more. Sometimes things are just great the way they are. Nothing more and nothing less.


But what if one day I wake up wanting more?


Would the point where you find yourself asking for more be a sign that you're falling in love? You don't just love that person, but you're actually now in love with them? Does that mean you've grown selfish?


How does it happen? This transition from friendship to love? Does it happen when you see a side of someone you've never see before? Does it happen just out of the blue?


When does it happen?

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Would the point where you find yourself asking for more be a sign that you're falling in love? You don't just love that person, but you're actually now in love with them? Does that mean you've grown selfish?

When does it happen?


I don't think it means you've grown selfish. If that happens then it means that it happens.........

And by the way many great relationships are based on a great friendship, so why not? If it is meant to be, I think such a thing is very beautiful

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A relation almost always first starts as a friendship. A guy doesn't start from day 2 "Oh wanna be my g/f" and kisses you, that's not the way it goes, you have to know that person for a while then when both of you feel there's the intense connection, then it does translate to a relation.

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I always want to become a friend first, get to know girl better then suddenly it comes the felling that u want to spend more time with her (u have common interests hobbies, u fell great with her) but… . There is always problem. In my case the girl always loves someone else really don't know why we have so much in common but she chooses love with someone else (I know that they don't have so much in common but… ) although she fells something to me (told me that).

This happened to me several times 1 time might be ok but… She always wants to be best friend of mine.

What they could have and I don't? Could someone tell me?

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I agree, it makes no sense. They could have the guy that cares so much for them and thinks about them 24 hours a day and waits by the phone to hear from them and really LIVES for them... instead they put you in friendzone and go after someone else that couldn't care less about them.. .then they wonder why they end up cheated on or treated poorly or whatever.


Drives me crazy.

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It drives girls crazy too... to know that you have someone right there who cares so much about you and wont cheat on you or screw you around etc... but you're just not attracted to them... you're attracted to some jerk who doesnt really care about you at all....

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I disagree that it is the "looks" factor, I think the shyness for some reason is the strongest problem here, I know my looks are way above average, I take a great photo, attract girls all the time because of my looks, but my personality is unconfident and shy and nervous and I get friendzoned because of it over and over again. Attract the girl by my looks in the first place, they get very interested, then I lose them after a date or two, but they want to remain friends because I am extremely nice (typical nice guy syndrome, nice but unconfident)

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