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how to initiate holding hands?

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I feel a little awkward when walking beside a girl on a first few dates or something in public, should I walk a little ahead, a little behind, exactly side by side? It would probably feel way more comfortable if we were holding hands, almost like a first step to actually being called boyfriend and girlfriend, but how can I make the move to hold hands without being too forward. And then once you are holding hands, do you keep holding hands for the rest of the walk, or take breaks? How do you go from walking side by side to feeling comfortable holding hands, way before any first kiss or any of that? or is it better to hook elbows?

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Just confidently take her hand and hold it lightly. When you cross the street, step over curbs, etc., you can let go of your hand and put it lightly on her back which is chivalrous and protective as you get accross the street.


Then when you feel like it, take her hand again.

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Oh, and try to walk side by side. If it's in a crowded area, some guys like to walk slightly ahead to guide the girl through, but they usually extend their hand back to her for her to hold on to as they make their way through the crowd.

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I think you're thinking about this waaaay too much bro. I think these thoughts and desires to do "all the right things" in detail like you describe are fueling your awkwardness...


Just let things come naturally to you and don't think about them. Enjoy yourself and have fun on your dates!

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I think you're thinking about this waaaay too much bro. I think these thoughts and desires to do "all the right things" in detail like you describe are fueling your awkwardness...


Just let things come naturally to you and don't think about them. Enjoy yourself and have fun on your dates!


Well...as a female, I personally thought it was sweet he cares about stuff like this. He's not as experienced yet, and so he's looking to smooooove operators like YOU frisco for a little guidance! I was just giving him a female perspective, but I bet you've got a few tricks in your bag you could share too without giving away the whole store, lol.

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Yeah, frisco's right-the more you "plan" how things will go the more nervous you will be.


Absolutely. I agree completely.


The best thing to do is not think about it or try to force it. It just kinda happens; I know, crappy explanation, but it's true. *shrugs*

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I feel a little awkward when walking beside a girl on a first few dates or something in public, should I walk a little ahead, a little behind, exactly side by side?

Another vote for side by side.


It would probably feel way more comfortable if we were holding hands, almost like a first step to actually being called boyfriend and girlfriend, but how can I make the move to hold hands without being too forward.

Put your hand out, palm up, and wait for her to give her your hand. Just do it and it'll happen.


And then once you are holding hands, do you keep holding hands for the rest of the walk, or take breaks?

So long as you're not dragging her down the sidewalk, who cares?


How do you go from walking side by side to feeling comfortable holding hands, way before any first kiss or any of that? or is it better to hook elbows?

Hook elbows reminds me of being friends... go for the hand hold first. And the kiss at the end of the date.

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I think holding hands is very intimate. Its saying...i'm with this person and i give my body and soul to him or her. I'm kind of old fashioned. I believe two people shouldnt hold hands until they are exclusive.


but of course others may have different opinions.

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K my husband when were in stores or whatever walks behind me usually by about 2-3 feet... I allways tell him, I dont want to follow a man or have a man follow me so would he walk BESIDE me.


Well, haha I showed him this post (married 2 years) and he said that is dating.. and I said well Generally people are saying to walk beside your woman. He said is there any boards for married people so we can get an accurate answer..


So any thoughts? Im saying beside eachother not one following the other and he is saying once your married its not.. I say that you should continue to keep that romance alive so it lasts through the 'ages'...

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I think holding hands is very intimate. Its saying...i'm with this person and i give my body and soul to him or her. I'm kind of old fashioned. I believe two people shouldnt hold hands until they are exclusive.


I was worried about that. Now I am even more intimidated by the concept.

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