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Aquward silences....why? (i can't spell)

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Alright, I like this guy, have for a bit, am semi-friends with him. So we were walking together with our friend to the bus stop when he (our friend) was like oh, there's my ride by. And he left us. The thing is there is ALWAYS someone else with us. So there we were, still walking and honestly both of us stopped talking and kind of froze and looked around (while still walking). We knew our other friend was around somewhere... the only thing that could save me from this akward silence. I saw him and said "oh, good, there's ***. And he said oh where. I said there. He said oh i was looking for his jacket couldn't see it. I said oh yah me too. and he said beacsue he always wears the whatever colour one(at the same time) and then laughed nervously. At which point there was another long silence so I yelled out our other friend's name. SO basically im wondering if the akwardness was due to some feelings of sort or because hes sort of shy (but i have know him for about 2 1/2 years). So yah.... I don't know what to make of the akwardness. Yesssss. Help? lol. Thanks

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Awkward silences can mean that both people are too shy to say something more important - such as to ask the other person out. Why don't you do it first?


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As DN said, soudns like something more important is wanted to be said but both of you are too shy. So why not take a chance and ask him

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Thanks for the perspectives, but about the whole asking him out thing... if i can't even say a word about the weather, how am i supposed to ask him out!?!? And also do you think it could be that maybe hes just uncomfrotable in front of girls? But i have known him a while.... Should I see how he acts around other girls too?


Nope - summon up every last ounce of your courage - and you have plenty - and ask him out.


Of course you can!!

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Now the awekward silence yur crushee is showing is a definite sign that hes interested in u. At the moment the silence begins the most likely thing he is thinking about is this.

Oh god, its silent ok, what to talk about what to talk about. How can i tell her i like her? does she like me? why is she quite? why am i still quite? oh god what to talk about what to talk about, until the point where your other friend appears. See the thing is that besides the fact that u 2 no eachother for 2 1/2 yrs, there has been little 1 on 1 time, so now that u 2 like each other the more 1 on 1 time u spend together feels like 4 million people are watching u give a speech, plain nervousness sets in.

Now ill say that asking him out is a definite. DO IT! the margin of rejection is so small that not doing it is gonna keep those what if sleepless nights alive.

N plus I'm gessing ur crushee has most likely liked u for quite some time now, so not asking him out is a definite no no. It really isnt that hard, take a deep breathe stop thinking n say it.


I'll cross my fingers for u.

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