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So guys DO like it when you make the first move, eh?

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lol... My whole life, i was led to believe that I should always let the man initiate a kiss...and I've always been afraid that if I made the first move that the guy would be turned off and reject me, or not want to see me again.


But last night, I'm the one who started kissing his ear....he was too scrumptious, I couldn't help myself!! And he turned and faced me and had a huge smile on his face (obviously not turned off) and started kissing me. It was AMAZING!!!!!!

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As a guy, it's always nice to have someone else take the initiative. It's nice, it's easier on us, and its probably safer. I guess I'm still trying to figure out how women let me know they're interested, and well if a girl makes the move, it's a pretty easy sign.


I don't agree with the gender-role issue of "Let the man make the first move."


At the same time, a wise person told me this while I was complaining about men having to make the first move and why women should take the initiative. "Thats one of the few things we get as women." And that put it in perspective. Sure it sucks that as a guy I have to do the leg work, but our (The US) society is heavily male-oriented/dominated. It really changed my attitude on the subject.


Yah its kinda off topic...

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I'm actually kinda pleasantly surprised that there are so many positive responses to this! I guess I must have been traumatized when I was in high school and i was at a party (a lil bit drunk) and went to kiss a guy and he pushed me away.... I felt so rejected! And after that, I NEVER tried it again. But I guess the context was a little different this time around.


With this guy, there was flirting back and forth (but he's a big flirt so i didn't take it too seriously), and when we were alone together he NEVER made a move on me... so in a way I was taking a really big chance of being rejected. But thank God, not only did he respond great (big smiles)...but we ended up cuddling! =) Don't worry guys, it didn't go beyond that.... =)


So I'm a happy camper. Now, the only thing is... will he keep "this" going? Will he always expect me to initiate thing? We're not dating officially at all. In fact, no one even knows about us. I definitely don't want to make a big deal out of it. I guess it doesn't matter...the hook-up itself feels like BLISS =) I don't even know if I'd want a relationship out of this.

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But the next question is...would you call back a girl that kissed you first... =( I haven't gotten a call!!! And I know I have a phone and that I could call him, but I don't want to come on TOO strong, I've been instigating everything...I should atleast get a call...right?

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It depends if he's interested, and what he is trying to go for.


If he's not interested, he'll probably avoid calling you, and I'd take that as a sign to move on. If he calls you later down the road...I'd be a little cautious.


I'd let him make the next move. You've shown him you're interested. If he doesn't reciprocate, then its his loss and I'd move on.

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Twilight777 Let me just say this:


Guys that make the first move and go through what you just went though all the time. Its called rejection. But life goes on and they have to keep trying.


I guess what Im trying to say is, dont assume just because your a girl that made the first move and it didnt work out that it wasent a good idea. Hes just a fish that didnt take the bait. Theres more fish out there. Put your bait back in the water and stop thinking about it.


And as you can see on here, alot of men like it.

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I never looked at it that way....maybe that's why you guys have such tough skin when it comes to emotions. If this happened all the time, I guarantee I'd be devastated.


I'm not that upset that he hasn't called. I saw him last night and we just acted like buddies. I think he's "over" it. Which sucks because the kiss felt so nice... I've been wanting to do it again! It confuses me that he wouldn't, but maybe he's waiting for me to initiate it again. ANd the only reason why I said this is because I talked to a girl friend of mine last night and she mentioned that he would always ask her if he had a chance (of hooking up) with me...and then said that he doesn't want to scare me off. So maybe that's why he won't make a move? Could that be valid or am I just pulling at straws?

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