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relationships/working together

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Hello there


Just need a little advice about something small but is bugging me and not sure if i'm being really daft!

My boyfriend and i work at the same place, i work in the office he works out and about with the customers.

He told me yesterday if he gets chatting to any of the customers he does jobs for he tells them he's single because if something goes wrong and they ring the office i won't have to get all involved in the problem and it keeps work and personal life separate.

I felt a bit hurt when he said this and felt a bit upset ever since even tho i told him that i understood.

Deep down i wouldn't mind putting up with all the hassle of customers knowing but thats just me i guess he's just trying to save me all that, what do you guys think, anyone in a similar situation out there??

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I don't think that's right!


First of all, if I have a problem with someone's professional work, I wouldn't go hassling their boyfriend or girlfriend over it. I don't see why clients would 'hassle' YOU if there was a problem with HIS work. If they do, YOU can politely tell the clients to go speak to your boyfriend not you.


From personal experience, no matter what the excuse for denying being in a relationship, it NEVER leads to ay good...


..besides, if it makes you uncomfortable, your boyfriend needs to know and be sensitive to it...

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Maybe he is trying to do some preventative backstories for when the girl he told he is single too calls and starts asking him out, or thinking she's his girlfriend.....


Seems odd to me, I don't see why he would do that, no one has to know that YOU are the one he is dating, I don't even know why he would even make a point of telling a customer he is single...that just seems weird and unecessary - unless he is asking them out. Will a customer really care if he is or isn't? Would they really handle complaints any differently?


I don't know, you know him better then I do though. I just think it's odd. Very odd.

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we're in agricultural contracting, everything gets quite personal and he gets to know the farmers well, he' just been promoted and this is his first season of managing the contracting team of about 9 or 10 guys

it's his baby and he's so into his work and is so intent on doing a good job and creating a good impression everywhere

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sorry yeah i should have explained a bit better what we did but i guess i didn't want to waffle on too much!

he said that if he drills/seeds their field for example and the crop doesn't grow or something they would get angry, ring up the office and complain about my boyfriends work or say that he's useless etc and it might affect me/our relationship etc

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sorry yeah i should have explained a bit better what we did but i guess i didn't want to waffle on too much!

he said that if he drills/seeds their field for example and the crop doesn't grow or something they would get angry, ring up the office and complain about my boyfriends work or say that he's useless etc and it might affect me/our relationship etc


But can't they still call up and still say all that???


If people want to complain, they tend to complain to whomever will answer the phone or listen! That's part of the sales/service industry.


Why would they have to know YOU are his gf? They don't. I still don't see why he made a POINT of telling them he is single, then also telling YOU about it..it seems, odd.

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Maybe I'm just optimistic, but perhaps you're bf is sincere. I'm not really familiar with the type of work you do but I have worked with rude and angry people. I would think that if something were to happen and you got angry phone calls about your bf's work they might just try to say that you're on HIS side because you're his girlfriend. Do you know what I'm saying??

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Only you can judge his motives. And there must be a reason why you posted on this site...


...it just feels weird, doesnt it? You should definitely have a chat with him about this. Maybe he is sincere and it is nothing. But he needs to reassure you of that and you need to believe it in your heart.

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well no i haven't been in a similar situation but have you talked to him about this and have you told him that this bothers you?? maybe if he knows that you dont like it he will stop but it sounds like he had good intentions...he dones't seem to me like hes doing this b/c he doens't want anyone to know that he has a g/f but i would just watch out...just keep your eyes open and dont be nieve...

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