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Cutting straight to the chase...


Another lonely and depressed day i thought i was doing OK, getting on pretty well with everything without the ex. Then when i slipped up last night and read my MSN conversation history with him, cried (a lot) then went to sleep.


Wasn't in school again today (slipped in the shower this morning and cut all of my leg and elbow...ouch) so don't know if he was back in. I've not saw or spoken to him for 10 days. It's really strange.


Normally, i would speak to him everyday, see him everyday at school then a few nights through the week and once at the weekend. So, basically now, i've got nothing to do! I mean, yea i have my friends, going out with one of them tomorrow. But it's not the same. I just want to SEE him, spend time with him, even as friends. But he's made it pretty clear that he can't be my friend even though he said he wanted us to be.


Why are guys so confusing? How can they forget about you so easily? It's killing me to think he's moved on and forgotton me


Just a bit of a rant (again...bet your getting sick of me lol) if anyones got anything to say to this then i'm here, waiting x

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Girl first off delete the MSN conversations or at least save them on a disc and place them in the box with all the other things. Next it seems you have too much time on your hands. Get involved with something take a class like dance, cooking, knitting or even volunteer? Quit torturing yourself with the thoughts of what used to be. Focus on the here and now and that is you are no longer with him.


He has moved on and now girlfriend it is your turn. You are pining away for something that will not ever happen again. How can you miss someone who woo'd you, took your virginity, and then dumped you? Put it into perspective. You know high school is almost over and then you move on to the next phase of your life be it college, a job, or travel.


You have the world in the palm of your hand why not take advantage of it?

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Well u sound just like I did 3 weeks ago. Read the thread "Running Into One another: Very Long but need advice"....trust me this'll give u an idea. I am going thru the same rolls...wondering how they can just let go so easily, wondering if she still thinks of me...wondering if she's having as much as a hard time as them. Unfortunately thoughts like that are worse fer u then not thinking at all. Best is to try and remove anything that reminds u of them and focus on the better parts of ur life right now. I know it gets lonely but at least try and hide it from the world. Best thing fer him to see is u happy. Sometimes makes them come around faster...if u truly want to be just friends he needs to know that ur not gonna jump down his throat about a relationship the minute u start talking. U need to focus on urself and make sure u could handle the friendship.


Worst part is ur still in school with the guy so u'll end up running into him. Good luck..I feel fer ya.

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The thing is..i KNOW your right. It's just hard. I'm going to have to try and pre-occupy myself and it's going to be hard. I know that in a few weeks i won't have to see him again, probably see him around but won't speak to him. I'll just have to get over it....find someone new. But where no-one wants me! Lol.

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I've been on NC for over 3 months now and I won't lie to you but the feeling of emptiness stays with you for a while. I feel it once in a while when I find myself walking to my car after a long day at school. The reasonis because I know I'm going home to an empty apartment, I have no one to greet when I come home. Then there are those days when the emptiness is filled with the company of friends and activities. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that you must stay busy and if the feelings come to you don't bottle them up. If you feel like crying do it, you are human and we are exected to feel.

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