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Something Memorable

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My guy is flying in from Cali to see me for 5 days. I'm so excited to see him. I want to do something really memorable for him or with him while he's here, but there isn't anything really big to do in Nebraska. Does anyone have any suggestions of anything that I can set up to do with him while he's here? I want to make this a trip that he won't ever forget. I've already thought of a few things, but nothing that would make him be like "wow, I'll never forget the time we ___"... anyone ever had anythign done for them that just was so amazing that they never forgot it? Thanks guys!

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How about a bonfire in the snow... that's a beautiful sight.


Or think of something that's significant to the both of you and try to setup up something that resembles that.


Or try getting a really nice suite for the evening. Try one with a king jacuzzi in the room... grab the roses, lotion, candles, and music.



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Hey girl,


I am glad to see this guy is coming to visit you as well. I know you have taken a few trips to Cali to see him in the recent months.


I have heard about that snowstrom y'all got a few days ago. Yikes! I do not know a thing about Nebraska LOL. Maybe try a google search on things to do in your area. But maybe you can make him a special dinner too and make the night special and romantic as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there something he really likes? For instance, my guy is coming to see me in a few weeks and I'm so excited. I want to be like that too where he won't forget the trip. We got to talking about what there is to do in Delaware. It is after all a small state. But Virginia is very close to me and we're meeting there since he's going down during spring break to see his family. He's a beach kind of guy. He loves the water, fishing, camping, etc. So, I thought I'd take him to the beaches around here. I'm only about a half hour away. He did confess that he'd love to go back to Busch Gardens (if finances allow). So, find out if there's something he's wanted to do for a while but hasn't been able to. Then, see if you can surprise him with it. Hope that helped a bit.

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