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well if anyone has read my other posts you are up to date on my relationship. so on sat i wrote my ex a letter.( i know bad). at work today i asked if he got it he said yeah and then for the rest of my shift we were civil to each other.i told him about a movie coming out and he made a joke to our boss about me when i was there. ( it was funny and not at all rude or out of place) he put scraps in my apron all the things he did to flirt with me when we were together.


in my letter i wrote down what i thought went wrong and if we were to fix things stuff would need to change. co-workers and work were not to be involved in out relationship etc etc things i would do different and him.we need to go back to how things were a couple months ago now that we know what happened.


at the end of my letter i said the decision is yours you can

1- call me and say lets talk and try and fix things. or

2-call me and say lets exchange our things back.

i would like to know soon so that i can move on if that is what he picks and hopefully one day we could end up friends just not now as i still have feelings.


i have no clue what to think! and how long should i give him to respond to my letter with a call? i am going to keep things light at work hi bye that type of thing and also not bring any of this up anymore he has the BALL.

oh if you dont read my other threads he broke up with me 2 weeks ago today saying he wasnt ready for a serious relationship.


i dont know how to cut and paste my threads but they are there ..

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I would give him a few days to respond, but don't get your hopes really high hon. If he said he isn't ready for a serious relationship, it might just be that and that you are wasting time hoping this will turn into something serious. If that's what you want, he isn't the guy for you.


Anyway, to your original questions, give him a few days. Yes, keep things very casual so he can make up his mind. It must be hard for you since you work together, good for you for keeping things under control at work.


Good luck to you. It hurts like heck, but whatever will be will be.

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