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He dumped me and I'm shattered, How do I get over it?

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------If some girl who I didnt know from a hole in the ground emailed me and told me she had a crush on me I would think two things. Who is this crazy .... and second hell maybe I can get some.---------


You don't speak for everyone!!

I am sure alot of men are flattered to get emails from good looking women who think they are attractive and don't have your negative "bitter" attitude.

You could use spellcheck as well.

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Your right about spell check but it takes sooooo (spelling mistake?) long. I never said I wouldnt be flattered. Of course I would jsut be hard to respect a girl who presents herself so openly in the first contact. Id kinda be thinking "whats to work towards I already knwo I have her." But no problem keep doing what your doing and then give an update a few years down the road. think coollady spelled it out in the beginning of the post.

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You could use spellcheck as well.
hahahaha, that's HILARIOUS. I love that.

it's worth a try, and maybe you will get a straight answer. you never know... let me know how it goes, even if you just pm me so that, you know, certain PEOPLE (to be polite), aren't in the loop about it.

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I am with CoolLady on this one.

I also sort of see Tylers point...but I'm not going to debate it.


Dating "celebrities"...or people who are well known, is in itself a task.If you read the tabloids, they are dating someone new every week it seems like.


I can sort of understand the poster being upset at his cold "dismissal" of her after corresponding for such a long time...REGARDLESS if she mailed him first.The fact is...she expected better treatment from him. Now on the OTHER side of the coin...I think her sleeping with him on the first meeting

was certainly a detriment. Men love the "chase" It's simple as that. Once the chase was over, that was that. I am not saying if sha had NOT slept with him, he would have continues the pursuit, he may have STILL been an A-hole because she didn't. Maybe he's is JUST a jerk, who happens to be famous.


Now, would you put up with this from Mr Average Joe you met at the grocery store?? Probably not!! That's exactly how you need to see HIM..because at the end of the day..he is JUST a guy. Period.

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Well hes 36 years old and I do plan on phoning him just to see whats up.

No I would not treat the average joe like this, I'm sorry but at the end of the day he is a rock star not a regular guy. Everyone treats them in a different way.


He talked to me for hours on the phone about everything, I'm sure if he was just after booty he would not have done that.

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Broken...no disrespect, but you got treated like a "groupie". Sorry, but that's exactly what happened. I am sure this guy gets tons of emails everyday from women....probably many of whom he has flown out to see him at HIS convenience...and I am certain they were diregarded the same way. Sorry to be harsh.....


Oh and yes he IS just a GUY.

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Sorry but I do not think I was treated like a "groupie", This guy emailed/called me almost everyday for a year. We talked about very personal things, he was interested in my life, family, school, etc. He confided in me about alot of personal things. I really do not think he was doing this with every female fan who contacted him, do not think he spoke with them for hours on the phone getting to know them.

Groupies do not get treated like that.

I dont think rock stars are just like some average guy. They are celebs and that is a huge difference.

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Hes 36........ so he is mature. I think you just need to talk to him and ask him. Even if he's not honest.

Maybe hes not looking for a serious relationship with any woman so he wants some distance. Does not want to give you that impression I think you should give him time.

A guy like that could get anyone he wants and he didn't need to call you and talk for hours when hes in LA for the sole purpose of getting laid.

Sounds like he really liked you and was crushing you.. As for the sex.. I don't think it makes a difference with a rock star. They have a different view of sex than most guys and are more accepting of it.

Like Venus said we dont know the whole story so go with your gut feeling.

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Broken...you came and asked for advice. The advice or replies are not always going to be what you want to hear...I am simply giving you MY opinion.


I am going on the limited information you gave us. Obviously I don't know this man, that you proclaim to know. It's apparent that you don't want to believe you were used, when all the evidence comes down to that fact.


Do you want to hear that he thought you were the "one" and that he is lying in an alley somewhere right now screaming out your name because you made his heart go "pitter patter?" Sorry, I doubt that will happen.


If you were MORE than a "booty call" or if you weren't treated like a 'groupie'..then why did you say he has not contacted you since? Why

do you think he blocked you? Those words came from YOU...not us...go back and reread your post.


I think you really answered your OWN question...

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Thanks pretty. It has been a week, thats the longest he has gone without calling me/emailing. I guess maybe I could be jumping the gun. I'm going to call him and just see whats up. He is shy so that could be it as Well.



Broken, Maybe thats how he is with people, he gets distant when you get too close.

How long has it been since you heard from him?

It could be that others are right and he wants some distance// Sounds like there is more to this.

But he does sound like he liked you very much , he never would have called you or stayed in contact with you if he didn't.

I dated some guys in bands and they tend to be weird like this, I think he will come around again.

Dont be so hard on yourself. See what happens at least you had fun.


Too bad people are so Catty on here, SHEESH!

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