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OMG! Did something very bad today, against the rules...but why do I feel so happy?!

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GUYS! I broke NC in the most major way. I mean I can't really do NC anyway because me and this guy i had a "thing" with for about 5 months and go to the same college and unavoidably see each other everyday. He used to tell me about all these plans he had for us etc. and when he broke it off I was (am) DEVASTED and have been finding it the most painful thing in the world seeing him everyday, with him not caring anymore. ANYWAY, to the point, today (2 months later), I asked if he'd help me set up this thing in the drama studio because he's strong enough to move stuff around. We ended up spending an hour together doing this, and it was really sweet and fun and aaaaaahh it made me really happy. We talked about stuff, and I found out he just broke up with his girlfriend... there was a bit of physical contact, and he fake proposed to me (like preston and chantelle in BB lol) and it was like really cute and I kept thinking what I'm doing is SO bad for me...so why am I doing this...why doesn't it feel wrong...why aren't I upset? There must be a catch. There's an aftermath to this feeling isn't there? Any thoughts?

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Hi there!


I am so sorry things have been rough and about the break-up. My take on it is that things did not work out with his new girlfriend and since he knows you still care and are receptive to his advances, he is going back to you.


Reactions to situations are going to vary but if I were you, I would be kind of upset if my ex treated me like a "hallaback" girl. That's just me though.


If I were in your situation I would try to focus on yourself and your goals and find guy whom wants to be with you and not break up with you for someone else, then whom comes back to you when things go south with his new girlfriend. I wish all the best and take care.

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lol but I can't! How?! I had this rush of happiness after spending so much time with him! So does this mean you think he actually has intentions with me? I mean, I'd take your advice into consideration though, like I wouldn't kiss him for the sake of my dignity


And I just read kellbells response too thank you for your advice I'll try my best!

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Sure you can. You are not letting yourself because you are surcumbing to those feelings you feel when you see him when in your mind you know he is wrong for you.


I have all the faith in the world that you can avoid him if you REALLY wanted to...you are not allowing yourself. Be strong and focus on you and not the butterflies you feel when he is around.

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Why do you feel a rush of happiness? It's actually more of a "high." You're addicted to the high of getting attention from him. Soon enough, you'll come crashing back down when his focus is again not on you, and you're deprived of your fix.


So, how do you break an addiction? NC. And stick to it.

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