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My heart... is now lost... i am broken

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Today has been the worst day of my life! My boyfriend and i split up. It just wasnt working. I mean i think i'll always love him! But i just wasn't in love. Well it was all fine until i found out he was gonna dump me anyway. (that was fine his reason wasnt) He didnt want to be with me cuz he couldnt stand the * * * * that i give. By that he means me cutting myself. I thought when you loved someone you stuck by them, you arent ment to hurt them. So now im all alone and to make it worse i didnt just loose a boyfriend i lost a best friend. Oh well two best friends actually. Now one of the people who i was so close to, she welcomed me into her house, her parents were mine, she hates me because i went out with him she hates me because she thought i was shoving into her face the hole time i was with him (she really liked him) But i wasnt, i never did i was even gonna dump him because i didnt want to hurt her! I love her so much she is like my sister but she hates me. Now i have nothing... Whats the piont of going on???? Life is meaningless all it does is hurt and haunt you! My life has been ruined in one simple day....

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My life has been ruined in one simple day....


No it hasn't. You're over-reacting. Take some time and look around you. Look at what you have, the people in your life, where you can go in life...


Your life isn't ruined, it just changed. It always does...

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Boy was i mistaken yesterday was bad today was worse. My ex decided 2 go and tell one of my friends bout my cutting and when i asked him why we had a fight and he ended up telling me to * * * * off. So now we arent talking. Oh and a new girl came into our group ripped us apart now we have separated into 3! Im trying to stay friends with everyone but half of them are angry because i followed my BEST friend when she walked off upset. Some think i have taken sides and are angry and some even think that i should take sides becuase this way is stupid!!! plus my grandparents that i live with want me and mum to leave. My family have banned me from ever trying to meet my father oh and on top of this all 7 of my friends are suicidal so i have to help them all! I just want for everything to be ok!

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my sweet girl, you need some help and you DESERVE it, YOU ARE SPECIAL and I know it's very difficult for you to ACCEPT yourself. And if your now "ex" told someone of you "cutting yourself" I think it's because he "cares about you". But when someone like you, someone who is having a hard time loving themselves, it is impossible for you to 'accept" love from anyone else. Is there a counselor or a therapy group you can find? I applaud you for having the COURAGE to tell the truth on your post about "cutting yourself" so many people have this "disease" and YES that what it is, there is NOTHING WRONG with you, you are simply in need of help. And NOT from your boyfriend but from someone PROFESSIONAL, that can guide you to a healthier you. And a healthier stronger YOU will be so ATTRACTIVE, work on this first dear, and please keep asking for help... YOU ARE IMPORTANT, and DESTINY has wonderful plans for you, try not to look BACK but FORWARD to YOUSELF and who can and will become, with courage, strength and help from people that REALLY care.... We're here for you... post anytime, we all CARE SO MUCH....

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Thankyou so much blender for your kind words and i know what you mean. I want help more then anything i really do! But i cqnt seek it! My family would kill me if they found out. We arent close and they think that sort of thing is just stupid! Any councillors have to tell my mum and i dont need that right now! Im scared i dont want to die but sometimes id do anything to get out of here! Besides my i dont feel i deserve help. Why should i be helped im nothing!

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My dear, you are not nothing. I deal, day in and day out, with people having suicidal thoughts, and a few people actually committed suicide which takes an unbelieveable amount of will for myself to carry on.


Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Your life can and will get better but you must seek out help. Do this for yourself.

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You are not nothing people care about you, I care about you and I want to help you. I know things may seem hard right now but with help you can get thru it feel free to add me to your list Do you got msn or yahoo I would be happy to help just PM ur address. As for the problem with you not seeing your Dad I can't really help their being as that I can relate to your signature my parents are divorced I live with my Mum and have practically no contact with my Dad I know it's hard but it's something that's surviveable. Please talk on these forums and to other people talking really can help Hang in there I care and I'm sure their are others as well that care

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damn, this is making me so sad to hear your story. It weighs on me constanly

i just wish i could go down to austrailia and woop the monkey * * * out of all those people giving you crap and ill re arrange your ex's face if you want me too. Please iam begging you dont please please please dont kill yourself i know the pain your in ive been there damnt i tried to kill myself and put my self in a coma for three damn days, but i lived through it and iam stronger now than i ever was. You are just going through a horrible storm in your life but no storm on this world lasts forever unless God says so. I cant stress the importance of releying on his grace in love to get you through this. IT'S THE ONLY WAY OUT OF YOUR SITUATION! So i want you right nowa when you read this to recite this prayer to the father in silence- lord iam at the end, i cant go any further please settle this please give my peace of mind. amen also get a bible now or when you get your hands on one read this verse and commit it to memory- Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the lord, the creator of the ends of the earth , nethier faint nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak , and to those who have no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall uterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew thier strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint,

-Isaiah 40: 28-31

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The fight between us has now made me fight with my other friends! Plus ive come between my bestfriend and my ex! i ruin everything



Heyz Babe,


OK I'm the best friend you are talking about and let me tell you now that your so not the reason I hated him, I mean you know what he said, I otld you and that was so not your fault in any shape or form, and you know if I want to hate him I will and it is never ever your fault, if it was I'd tell you!!! And you better stop having suicidal thoughts, you know how much I'll growl at you for that, If you leave me all alone in this world with Liza and Zayden I'll so hate you forever (lolz jokes I love you Liza)!!!!


Luv Ya 4Eva



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  • 3 weeks later...

I know you want others to be happy and you are doing that you are making a diference in the world ( or atleast my world). You best friend just told you how much she cares about you and that the fight or break up was not your fault. People love you and care about you never forget that Rozi!

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