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Do you ever miss old times or not?

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In spite of the fact that you may be currently doing great in your life, do you guys look back on a special time in your life and wish you could go back at times?


I'm currently in my third year at the university, have a great internship, and am about to celebrate my one year anniversary with my girlfriend in a few weeks. Everything is swell right now, but I can't help but remember the time period from late 2002 (early part of my senior year in high school) to the end of 2003 (first semester in college) because, in my opinion, a great deal of good things happened during that time.


It was the time of my life in which I had perhaps the most amount of friends (between senior year in high school and college in an honors program). I joined a business club during my senior year and won 4th place in district competition, qualifying for state competition. I joined 6 others (some of which were my friends) in traveling to Orlando for a few days, and let me tell you, I had such a blast. We had pillow fights, played in arcades, went to malls and movie theatres, and the like. It was also on that trip where I met my ex- girlfriend of about 3-4 months. It was short-lived and rather troublesome, but it was still special because it felt good to go to prom with someone and partake in graduation festivities with a partner. A few months prior, I had a small fling with another girl that was seemingly playing immature games, but still, I enjoyed the attention while it lasted.


Senior year was a blast because of prom and grad nite - a one day trip to disney world that students here are entitled to go to in public high schools if they pay. It was also a special time for other reasons - it was the time that my older sister gave me her car when she bought a new one and I started driving by myself for the first time. I would hang out with several close friends, like one named Luis (that I no longer deal with) and another guy named Jose that I haven't heard from since graduation. Jose and I went with the school to a theme park that is a few hours away - and that was one of the funnest trips I've ever had. I went to the same amusement park a few months later with my sister and her boyfriend, but it just wasn't the same because they were scared of rollercoasters so I basically ended up going on them alone. During this part of my senior year in high school (late 2002) I also went to see various movies at the theaters - more during that time period than at any other juncture in my life. I rememeber being anxious to see Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers and seeing it with my dad at 11:45 PM and leaving close to 3 AM. I also remember going to see movies like Analyze That and enjoying them greatly.


After graduation, I broke up with that ex g/f and looked forward to a new era in my life in college. My first semester was awesome - I met nearly every student in my honors program (it was only a small group of us) and I actually felt like I was one of the most known and popular guys in the program. I met a girl who, unforunately, had a b/f already, but I gained strong feelings for her at the time. She would flirt a lot but had no intention of leaving her b/f. So I had to move on. I met a great friend who I'm still close with to this day (even though I left that two year college and am at the university now). That semester, I remember a few of us from the program carpooling and heading out to a different campus to partake in activities like softball and basketball.. it was really fun. Very fun times that semester, but after that semester it just wasn't the same anymore because most of my friends got kicked out of the program for not maintaining a high GPA.


Two more very important factors made that year of 2003 so special. My hometown Florida Marlins came out of nowhere and won the World Series. For someone who has followed that team since their inauguration in 1993, it was a very emotional time for me. I got to share it with my dad who got me into baseball when I was a little kid, and in essense, my dad and I spent a lot more time together back then. We even went to two playoff games which was purely amazing - i'll never forget them. The other reason 2003 was special was because after spending over 3 years talking to a girl I had an online romance with since we were much younger (long story), we finally met in person and hit it off right off the bat. We met on about 4 occasions and saw a Ben Affleck movie at the theater on New Years Eve. Eventually she broke my heart and I had to move on, but I'll never forget that time because it was very emotional as well. Thus, I'll always remember late 2003 for the final installment of Lord of the Rings.

Another note - I tend to reflect on the songs that would be on the radio during that late 02- late 03 year.


You're probably wondering why I'm posting all this, but don't worry - i'm wondering the same. I'm wondering why I still reminsce about this time that was pretty long ago. I guess times have changed, and I have to realize that life evolves. Back then I didn't have a job, girlfriend, or as much responsibility schoolwise, but I did enjoy more time with friends and my dad. Now I have a job, girlfriend, school is tougher, but barely spend time with friends and my dad. Most of the friends I had back then I no longer have contact with. The Marlins are a stinky team now after the firesale and there are no more lord of the rings movies.


Unfortunately there are no tradeoffs where the passage of time is concerned. I love my girlfriend to death but I really think I need to spend a little more time with friends, but she doesn't seem to take that well because she's a little possessive at times. I think that overall, with the club competition, more friends, participating in so many events, etc. I probably feel that i had more of an identity back then. I felt like I was part of something on so many different levels, and that made that time period so special.


Do you guys agree? Does anyone do the same and reminisce out of nowhere?

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Two more very important factors made that year of 2003 so special. My hometown Florida Marlins came out of nowhere and won the World Series.

Just rub it in. I was at Game 6 and saw them dancing on our turf, stupid fish! Naw seriously, they deserved it that year and it's always good to see Lord Steinbrenner in a huff.


I always reminisce, but I am a little different. I enjoy the memory more than the moment, if that makes sense. For example, 5 years ago I went to Central America for three weeks. I didn't have much fun, or so I thought. The cockroaches were bigger than the natives, it rained half the time we were there, and I only spoke basic spanish. I just wanted to go home. But when I think about that time, I realize that I had so much fun, but I didn't soak in the moments as I should have. My best years which I reminisce about often were '91-'92 (first 2 college years) '93 (first real job), & '94 (first time I fell in love). I also reminisce about the days prior to 9-11-01. Those were the days when the world's ills did not consume our minds.

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Reading your post made me cry - Cause I totally understand

Memories is something that keeps haunting me , reminiscing . No matter how good my life is right now. Theres a time where I'd give anything in the world to go back to its really hard to explain cause when you feel it ,its only you and even though the ppl you miss you can still talk to and be in contact with but its never the same . Its heart-breaking but try to look back and smile cause thats the only positive thing you can do . Try to contact old friends and re-live the moments together or call up your dad and talk .

High school great memories and laughters are something I will never forget , I miss them greatly ,I miss the atmosphere the surroundings , the ppl everything about it . I try to re-connect with my old best friends and talk about the old times cause its the only thing we can talk about since we rarely stay in touch and let me tell you it always makes me feel better .. cause eventually you'll realise they miss it and probably feel nastolgic as you do .


Its part of growing up...and a huge part comes from our emotional state . When Im sad and life isnt treating me right I go back to them cause theyre the happiest moments and I feel like theres nothing happier that could be awaiting me in the future . Its complicated how the thoughts n memories suddenly resurface but as I said it reflects our emotions at that period of time .

When I first graduated and life started changing dramatically ,Friends travelling to colleges out of town , I lost contact with some etc. and I started to realise and remember how much better things were and how I was much happier ....and how I didnt realise that these ppl I used to hang out with everyday and all the fun I felt suddenly started fading away .. it wasnt only school and friends I felt like it was everytyhing , I used to cry myself to sleep just because I missed the old times.

This was 2 years ago , Today I still reminsce and miss the old days But they dont dominate my life as much as they used to, I wish I could go back But I have to realise That I already lived them and There are much better things and happier times (at least I hope so) somewhere in my future .

I made new friends , I have a job I concentrate on things that Ive fallen in love with ...like sports,activities etc...

Just make sure you surround yourself with people that make you happy and family and friends .


It could be coming from your girlfriend , Im sure you do love her very much but you might be feeling that Shes the only thing in your life cause your not connecting with others . Just like having only one BFF and no other friends .. Have a variety of ppl that whom u know that can be there just for a chat and for a smile ..nothing more than that Not necessarily a true friendship just someone you can talk to and have fun with .

That helps. And Finally as I said Look back and smile to the great memories . Try re-contacting your old friends and talking more I promise it will cheer u up . Im sure you can find their profiles or screennames n have a chat.



P.S LOTR ? well ..yeh thats sad and Dont worry Im sure The Marlins will make a great comeback someday

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