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why does it taste so bad?

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Well, i have briefly given oral to my girlfriend a couple times. the reason for it only lasting a short time is because i find it difficult to stay down there for very long at all. Now don't get me wrong, I really, really want to do this a lot and do it as long as she wants me too, but i don't know if i can. It just tastes really bad. she is on birth control and i thought that i read somewhere that the pill can make thick, bad smelling fluid come out of the vagina. does anyone know if that is right? I just don't know what to do, i want to give her oral. If she kinda washed herself beforehand would that make it better? and if so, how the hell am i supposed to go about asking her to do that? ....."your vagina stinks, so wash it"...yeah right. no matter how i say it, that's what it's gonna sound like. i don't know how to go about it without hurting her feelings or making her feel self conscious about it. can anyone help me?



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I agree. Ask to do the whole shower thing. Or even say something like "I'm going to go wash up...care to join?"...and rinse in the sink.


Diet affects the taste of those...secretions. If she eats a diet filled with lots of red meats, garlic, pasta and spicy foods, it probably tastes pretty bad. The key to a sweet taste is to eat lots of fruits and vegis, white meats, drink lots of water and juice. If she ate any of the "bad" stuff up to 24 hours before, expect it to taste a little bitter.

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Not exactly, TiredMan.


Ever heard of the pineapple juice myth? Well, it doesn;t have to be necessarly pine apple but any fruit and it does alter, or sweeten, the taste.


Why don't you tell her about that, and BOTH of you can binge on pineapple the night before. Do a little test.

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Yeah, definitely, it's very easy to get upset by this. That's why you should be as gentle as possible. I think the shower thing could work. Buy some scented bath gel and suggest soaping each other up.


And like fairie said, diet affects taste greatly! In men and women! I've often heard drinking pineapple juice will make things taste better.


good luck

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Not exactly, TiredMan.


Ever heard of the pineapple juice myth? Well, it doesn;t have to be necessarly pine apple but any fruit and it does alter, or sweeten, the taste.


Why don't you tell her about that, and BOTH of you can binge on pineapple the night before. Do a little test.


I've heard all of that. But trust me, so many women will get defensive about it no matter how gently you break the news to them. In some cases, it's so bad, one has to wonder how they don't realize it.

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