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Confused...what does this mean?

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Well My Ex Bf, whom I dumped becasue he was a total jerk( he was gonna cheat on me , made me spend money, rude to me) aplolgized to me. Well in school he was himself then he started to act nice to me and was talking to me. Well he randomly asked me to hang out, but I already had plans. Well , to be honest...I wasnt going to hang out with him anyway. After he asked to me hang out he asked me what my parents think about him.I told him that they are mad at him for what he did to me. Then he apologized..."Im sorry". After that he was kinda akward, but still friendly. Well he is now dating the girl( for about a week now), and the thing is I dont get his motive. Hes with this girl(that he was gonna cheat on me with) and hes slowly getting back to me in a relationship. What does this mean?

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I wouldn't have anything do with him because he's just trying to have his cake and eat it too. Let him be with this girl b.c. eventually it'll get old and he'll be wanting to cheat on her and start being rude to her and stuff. I'd ignore him, yeah its nice that he apologized but move on and forget him b.c. you deserve someone better and he deserves whatever he gets.

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Why is he doing this? You answered it yourself: He's a total jerk. He's trying to play you big time, using you as a "back up" in case things with his current chick fall through. Is this what you want to be? I hope not...


Walk away from this one with a smile on your face because you're far better off without him...

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I disagree with everyone else. Even though he was a total jerk to you, by saying sorry he was trying to make amends for what he did to you. I'm not saying what he did was right or that you should get back with him but I do feel a boy saying sorry is quite hard and you should accept it gracefully. He made an effort which is more than some do.

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