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Am I wrong for acting this way?

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So my girlfriend went to her step-sisters wedding today, and called me earlier. She said, that she was pretty drunk and horny, and all that jazz. Well then she tells me, that these boys were making eye contact with her, so she said she was going to ask them for drinks. I opened her eyes to the fact that she just told me she was drunk and horny, and that she said she wanted to ask these boys for drinks. She got mad at me for thinking that she would ever do anything with them.


Am I wrong for having negative thoughts cross my mind, I mean after all she's NOT sober. And her being mad at me doesn't make me feel anymore comfortable about the situation. I know that if we swapped shoes, she would flip out. So tell me, am I wrong for acting this way?

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Well, I kinda agree with becallamjr. You're right to feel jealous or wonder what's going on. However, you shouldn't question her because like he said it tells her that you don't trust her. It's something you should talk about with her when you're both sober. Just ask her what she believes is right and wrong in your relationship as far as flirting/showing affection/sex/etc with other people. Tell her what you believe and come to an agreement. After that you should only question her if you find some evidence or some signs that she has broken the agreement that you have.

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Did she call you from the party, while she was drunk? Or was it after? If it was during, then her being drunk probably clouded her judgement and there was no way she was going to listen to reason. If it was after, she may have felt guilt and didn't want to face it, so she got angry at you.


You weren't wrong for feeling like that. Drunk and horny isn't a good combination. I bet that there was some jealousy in there, but also some concern for what she might do and how it would hurt her. However, dealing with a drunk person is like finding a needle in a haystack.... impossible. They will twist everything you say around. So its best to try to get them to relax and take it easy. Then address any concerns you have later when you can really talk.

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Yeah, she called me during the party while she was drunk. She called me back later and said that she was sorry and she stopped drinking anyway, because she might be pregnant. I'll talk to her later tonight when she is easier to deal with. I DO trust her and I feel bad that I acted like that, but I was just kind of angry that she would even call me when she is drunk and telling me about how she is going to talk to these guys giving her looks. I may have over reacting the situation. Ugh...jealousy](*,)

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We all get jealous at times, and you had good reason to be. That wasn't the wisest thing for her to do. But its ok and you'll get through it. You guys seem to have a strong connection and good relationship. This is just another bump in the road, not a dead end. Don't beat your head into the wall too much.

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Haha, I won't do it too many times! . I know that we will get through this, I was just curious to know if I was over reacting. I think I should have just waited till later, but no use sulking over what I should have done. But I'm about to call her right now. I'm sure if we are both understanding, this situation won't happn again...of course we both are understanding of each others feelings.

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