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Roses are red...


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Alright, this isn't anything epic, just wanted to hear what the ladies had to say about this...


So I met this nice lady last weekend, we went out, we seemed to hit it off well. I dig her and I'm pretty sure she digs me too. We're meeting out for dinner tonight, and I was thinking about giving her a rose when I see her tonight. Second date? A little soon? embarrassing? What do you think...

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Another thing...and this might be jumping the gun..but when I first started dating my now ex husband (who is a great guy)...he sent me flowers after our one month anniversary of dating. It was then I realized I wanted to continue dating him. He was very thoughtful...and respectful. Nice guys do NOT always finish last.

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yah! One of my ex's once stopped while we were walking downtown vancouver and just picked a tulip for me from a garden in front of a restaurant. It was super cute because it just seemed so impulsive and "exciting" lol...Yes, because he "stole" a flower for me. I loved holding it all the way home. Very sweet!

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Hey Frisc..


Well, Im not a girl, but like you Im the hopeless romantic/tragic comic type. A gesture like that is always a good thing. The act of giving her a rose is a sentiment that speaks volumes about your character. Have you thought about maybe something other than a rose? I dunno, maybe its just me, but a single red rose although a great gesture, seems a little common.. I dont know it thats the right word..


Why not try something different.. Something that promotes your uniqueness... Whats YOUR favorite flower? Not sure if i'm making sense, but can you see what i'm getting at?



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yah! One of my ex's once stopped while we were walking downtown vancouver and just picked a tulip for me from a garden in front of a restaurant. It was super cute because it just seemed so impulsive and "exciting" lol...Yes, because he "stole" a flower for me. I loved holding it all the way home. Very sweet!


that is soooooo romantic! I love those moments of impulsive unplanned events! It happened to me too in Italy! I was with the love my life in rome and he picked a daisy for my hair from one of sidewalk gardens! I was on cloud nine with smiles!! oh so romantic!

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Hey thanks for all the responses! So yeah, I did it, single red rose, wrapped in baby's breath, made sure it was perfect...worked like a charm...oh yeah...


Jason- I like your idea a lot. During the night, I asked her some of the things she really liked...and it turned out (not surprisingly) that chocolate was on the top of her list...so next time...she's getting chocolate...really good chocolate...with a really good kiss...

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This is so awesome to hear. Its great that you are feeling that spark for another woman!!


It makes me think. Im so afraid to hold on to hope, when what I should really be doing is hoping my heart out. So I shall. I will hold on to the hope that tomorrow, something better WILL come my way. In what shape or form? Who knows.. but it's out there.


And about her love of chocolate.. did you find out what type exactly? Plain milk chocolate? Dark chocolate? Or anything made of chocolate?? Depending on the plans for the next date, why not go all out and bake some brownies?


I dunno.. just a thought.

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This is so awesome to hear. Its great that you are feeling that spark for another woman!!


It makes me think. Im so afraid to hold on to hope, when what I should really be doing is hoping my heart out. So I shall. I will hold on to the hope that tomorrow, something better WILL come my way. In what shape or form? Who knows.. but it's out there.


And about her love of chocolate.. did you find out what type exactly? Plain milk chocolate? Dark chocolate? Or anything made of chocolate?? Depending on the plans for the next date, why not go all out and bake some brownies?


I dunno.. just a thought.





Man, it's good to hear this from you. I think you're starting to see the light and turn the corner...alright...


Yeah, my ex beat me down emotionally, I thought for sure I was done, but after finding this site and posting for both myself and others, I have been slowly coming out of it, seeing the truth of the situation that it wasn't all my fault, she lost a great guy, she does need therapy (and probably lots of it), and I need to make better choices when it comes to women (and myself) in that regard...


So I have...


I still think about my ex and what happened but I am able to feel again, feel good again, and feel for another woman again...all because I made the decision to take charge of my life and take care of myself...


When you do the same, I'll be ecstatic to reply to one of your posts asking what color rose to bring this girl you're crazy about...


P.S. As for brownies...I think I'll stick to the chocolate bar for now...don't want to send her running for the hills after tasting my cooking just yet...

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