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Alli G is one to ponder...


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Ok, if you havent followed the Bachelor from the very beginning, you wouldnt know who Alli G is. However, if you have been following, you would know EXACTLY who I am talking about. She's the girl who confronted the bachelor on why he sent her home. She got so mad. The media went wild and people were talking about her how crazy it was. I was embarrassed for her for her "breakdown" on tv. However, deep inside, I really understand where she is coming from. I don't agree with the reproduction thing...I think that is a little judgemental that people get married soley to reproduce. The rotting eggs thing was a little too much...but when she confronted him and asked him what went wrong. She verbalized what many women stress themselves out about when a man doesnt call. Rejection is frustrating and annoying! It hurts. What did I do wrong? What did I say? Did I say something stupid? Could I have done something differently? Instead of being "man" enough be respectful of a girls feelings and tell her why it "isnt working out" many men just blow the girl off (not calling, not returning e-mails) in hopes that they get the hint. The girl is left wondering what went wrong and many times, takes it very personally. I just wondered how other people feel about this.

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I missed that episode but have seen it played over and over. I was embarrassed for her however I have done that myself. I think it is hard being rejected. Everyone says to have a positive outlook, think well of yourself, yada yada yada and then someone rejects you. Its like you want to know what it is that you "lack."

I think all human beings have a need to know the whys of things and sometimes there just isnt an answer. I am starting to learn that lesson.


Its hard but a must in order to move ahead and find that guy or girl who will find ALL of you to their liking.

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So, I don't watch the show but I'll still make a comment. Is that ok?


Rejection is frustrating and annoying! It hurts. What did I do wrong? What did I say? Did I say something stupid? Could I have done something differently? Instead of being "man" enough be respectful of a girls feelings and tell her why it "isnt working out" many men just blow the girl off (not calling, not returning e-mails) in hopes that they get the hint. The girl is left wondering what went wrong and many times, takes it very personally. I just wondered how other people feel about this.


I agree. A breakup should be done in person and should be respectful. You talk about your feelings and what is going on, where you both stand. You talk things over. That is just being nice and respectful. However, this isn't just a thing that men do. Women also try to blow the guy off. And it hurts just as much to the guy. So, regardless of gender, show some respect to the other person and explain how you feel and why you are calling it off.

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Okay I changed the wording around a bit but get the point? Goes both ways...welcome to the man's world. 95% of the time it's us that do the asking so we're the ones who deal w/rejection. Of course being men it's not supposed to hurt and we're not supposed to verbalize like this girl did but some of the same thoughts go through our heads.


Add in the fact that being a man means you're not supposed to lose, you end of feeling like a failure, less of man b/c you couldn't get the girl. Sorry for whatever bad relationships you had in the past but way more men go through rejection than women.


Hey now, true, men go through it too....but don't go and say that men go through more rejection than women. It goes both ways, like you said. Not one goes through it more than the other. Just because we're not the ones doing the asking doesn't mean we don't have to deal with the rejection. If we want to be generalizing here, look at it this way - if men are supposed to be the ones asking, and approaching - then what about the women who are NEVER asked? NEVER approached? Wouldn't they feel less like a "woman" because they aren't thin, pretty, blond, or big breasted enough to be approached? Rejection comes in many forms...

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If you think about it, never asking out of fear of being rejected is in a sense, rejecting yourself. If you never ask someone, there is no chance of being turned down, but there is also no chance of a yes. For guys, you may get a lot of no thank yous. But when you hit on that one yes, it is worth it.


For girls, if you are interested in a guy, why wait around hoping they say something to you? Why not tell them yourself? Plenty of guys would like that.


Don't let fear of rejection keep you from going for what you really want, no matter if you are male or female.

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