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i found out who his gf is? should i contact her?

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hello everyone, I just found a note from my ex's now gf. It has her address and phone number on it. I have been looking at it all day wondering if i should call her? I'm curious to see what she looks like and where she lives. I thought about driving by her house just to check it out. I probably shouldn't care but I can't help but wondering what his new gf looks like. should i call her?

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Um no....why would you call her? So she can tell your ex his "crazy ex called"? So you can think you are better?


There is no point in doing it, other then to show how NOT moved on you are...and in fact...it only shows you are a stalker....


My vote is absolutely not.

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No. That is borderline psycho. Leave it alone unless you are asking for a restraining order. I mean really, what is seeing his new girlfriend going to do for you?




Put your energy into moving on with your life, and you won't think/worry about what your ex boyfriend is doing.

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I agree with the other posts. I would suggest NOT calling her, and NOT driving by her house. IF I were you I would forget about it all and move on with my life. As far as I can see there would be no point in doing it. It would most likely cause more trouble than its worth. Move ahead with your own life and forget about it.

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hello everyone, I just found a note from my ex's now gf. It has her address and phone number on it. I have been looking at it all day wondering if i should call her? I'm curious to see what she looks like and where she lives. I thought about driving by her house just to check it out. I probably shouldn't care but I can't help but wondering what his new gf looks like. should i call her?


I always remember this female knocking on my door. She was the ex gf of a guy I was involved with at the time. She introduced herself as the 'ex' gf and told me that she'd came calling, to see what I looked like!


I thought she was off her rocker and this is what his new gf will think of you!

She will relate back to your ex, everything that you do and say........which is what I did!


What do you think you will gain in knowing what she looks like, etc??

The same as the woman gained from knocking at my door........NOTHING!!


One thing is for sure, knocking at my door, didn't win her back her ex! He laughed at her and her stupidity and said he couldn't understand what he ever saw in her.


I'd leave alone. What he's doing now and who is he seeing, is none of your business.

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