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Eyes wide shut

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Hi all,


I was kissing my girlfriend the other day and she freaked out a little when she realised my eyes were open, I hadn't even noticed myself but it seemed to bother her and she kept checking after that to see if my eyes were open! What's that all about, I get that caught up in the kiss that I don't even know if they're open or not, is that weird? Or is she overreacting and lots of people have their eyes open when kissing?

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I'm with her on this one. It really bothers me to think that someone is looking at me when i'm lost in the act. I think that they aren't feeling the same as me or are bored and looking around for something to do while kissing me which is a real turn off.


Either that or they are weird and 'watching' me. Can't help it but I find it creepy.

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Most people do keep their eyes shut. My husband and I joke around when we kiss sometimes and keep our eyes open just to be goofy but to most people it just doesn't feel normal.


Try to respect how she feels. It would make it more enjoyable for her if you try to keep your eyes shut but if you cant help it, talk to her about it.

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like I said earlier, I do keep my eyes open sometimes..and I do know most people find it weird. But usually, the people I kiss keeps their eyes closed so they don't know that I do. And when they do open their eyes I quickly shut mine. It's kind of funny. It's not because I'm bored or not into them...it's almost like..."wow i like you so much, and find you so attractive, i can't believe i'm with you, i just have to look at you!" hehe. hm....okay maybe I need help. LOL. Yeah if she really doesn't like it, try to keep your eyes closed now that you're aware of it.

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Everyone has different ways of kissing. Generally, its with the eyes shut as it blocks out all images from sight and makes it easier to get lost in the feelings and emotions behind the kiss. But kissing with the eyes open can be great as well. So there is nothing wrong with that. If she hasn't done that before, opening your eyes and seeing the person staring at you can be surprising.


I also think there may be self esteem issues of not being comfortable with people looking at her so intently, like she feels she is being watched during a private moment.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well..... If I am lip locked, it is usually closed... but.. if I am kissing her forehead or her stomach or her...... well.. you get the idea.. then, they are open.


It was soo freaky.. with this last girl I dated when I was kissing her, up close, her eyes and they way her lips were (the way she had them open) totally reminded me of an ex-gf... haha...


However, with her laying there with her eyes always closed, to me, it almost felt like I could be anyone. Like, she could have been thinking about someone else doing things to her.... However, I could see that if I had my eyes closed and I opened them and saw her staring at me how that might freak me out a little...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember once when I kissed my boyfriend (kissing was new to me when I met him), I opened my eyes. It was kinda strange to see him up so close with his eyes shut, and feeling him kiss me. I noticed that his eyelids were really pale which intereseting. It was kinda cute. Though I closed my eyes quickly for fear he might open his eyes and see me staring half an inch from his eyeballs. Hahah!


I can only do quick kisses with eyes open, like if you're saying bye or something. Long passionate kisses that last several sections, eyes open is just kinda weird to me.

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