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Define a "soulmate"


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I used to believe that everyone had a soulmate, that there was someone out there that would be perfect for you and you were destined to be with them. It was very romantic. I thought I found my soulmate. Then I found out I was wrong. Rinse and repeat. I find the belief in soulmates to be sort of depressing. I like the idea of a sexy best friend I also happen to be in love with much better.

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Love exists .. soulmates exist.


Often you love your soulmate. Often your soulmate may not even be your mate.


Your soulmate is the person you have a connection with that you can't describe to anybody else in words. It's a feeling of belonging, of knowing, of trusting, of understanding.


Perhaps it's like belief and religeon. You believe in it, so it's very real to you. Soulmates are very much like that.

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Love exists .. soulmates exist.


Often you love your soulmate. Often your soulmate may not even be your mate.


Your soulmate is the person you have a connection with that you can't describe to anybody else in words. It's a feeling of belonging, of knowing, of trusting, of understanding.


A soulmate is someone who you 'see' your own reflection in....



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Do people meet "for a reason"?


If I believe that destiny controlled our lives, then I would say definetly, yes. But, I believe in coincidence mainly. What becomes of a coincidence is all up to myself and the cooperation of others.


I guess you can say, though, that anyone you met who made an impact on your life had a "purpose" so to speak.

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Easy definition for a soulmate: the person you marry and spend the rest of your life, and in my mind all eternity, with.


You can say that a soulmate is someone who completes you, who fills an empty spot in your life. You can say a soulmate is someone who motivates and encourages you, give your life meaning. You can say a soulmate is someone who unconditionally loves you and who understands you. But really, a soulmate can't be defined. I think people too often try to define these things and thus lose track of what they really are. It's not something you find or define. It's something that comes into your life and which you just feel.


People do meet each other for a reason. But it is up to us to determine what that reason is.

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