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okay so lets see if i can explain this correctly without loosing anyone,

okay so i just recently got on birth control pills but i was prescibed some medicine that interfears with my birth control and makes it not effective for a week, because thats how long i have to take these pills... today is the last day that i have to take the pill "my medication"... so heres the problem, i had unprotected sex last night and i was wondering if taking the plan b pill would still work even though i am taking my birth control pills still and im taking that last pill tonight... and will it mess up my system?

i am taking the plan b tonight by the way if its safe!

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What are you doing having unprotected sex when taking a med that interferes with your pills? Plus you just got on the pill so that initself is a pretty risky thing to do having the unprotected sex. Take the plan b pill and learn from this that when you are on meds that mess with the potency of your pills USE A CONDOM OR ABSTAIN!!!! YES AND CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!!

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