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Should I contact my Ex again?

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I was dating this one guy for about two years. At the time he wanted a serious relationship but I was young and didnt want to commit. But I was honest and upfront about that, i also told him i was dating other people. I want too nice to him.


But now I realize what and amazing guy he is and how I screwed up...

Last I talked to him, he said he was dating someone so thats when we stopped talking, like two years ago.


I did contact him through email 2 years ago, he was cordial but never responded to my last email.........


I've been thinking of him because he has his own show now and it makes me realize how much I miss him.


Id like to email him but Im afraid he may reject me or not even respond. Maybe he looks back and says to himself how stupid he was to date me.

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Could you contact him? Sure why not? But when you do so, try to appear as if you are not looking for a response. Also, try to indicate with your words that you are looking for friendship at most, not anything more. Better to indicate nothing. Let your body language indicate interest.

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I doubt I'd contact him again, for the simple reason that he didn't respond to your last email. He's obviously moved on, you should try and do the same IMO.


I agree!! I know it's tempting to want to stay in contact, but it's probably for the best that you move on, since he clearly has too. It's tough, but as most of us know from experience, you'll get through it. I think if you stay in NC you'll be able to get over him soon, you've been doing well so far keep it up!

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Hello, I think it doesn't matter if he has "moved on" or not, actually that might not be the case but the fact is he ignored your last mail.


It's nice he's successful now, but there's a reason why he's not in touch with you, he might be with somebody else, he might like being single, whatever the case you can't keep missing him because it's not likely you can start a relationship again.


But don't see him as your "missed chance", he wasn't the one, you tried to make things happen again and they didn't, from now on even if he contacted you and asked you to get married I would question his reasons for not caring back then but caring now.


There must have been other reasons as why you wanted to break up with him years ago, think about them, analyze them, don't put all the blame on you, sometimes things can look nice but they are not really what we need.

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