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Help Me - Eaten Wild Mushroom

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PLEASE can someone help me i have done something extremely stupid- I ate a wild mushroom when i was out walking the dog 2 hours ago. I thought for some stupid reason it might be a magic mushroom and i looked tasty so i ate it- i didnt realise until i was researching on the internet that it could be dangerous.


It looked very UN-poisonous and smelt just like a regular mushroom. It had a flat glossy darker brown top and a paler brown stalk there were lots of them growing on the bank.


Should i make myself sick incase it was poisonous?? or drink water? eat something??? I dont feel any different



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You should NEVER eat a mushroom unless you KNOW exactly what type it is. Even some very plain looking ones can be extremely toxic and dangerous.It is a myth that they must all be brightly coloured.


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Get to an emergency room now, to make sure you are okay, and describe it to them as best you can.


France has plenty of poisonous mushrooms.

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Call your local poison control hotline or 911. Mushrooms can be very dangerous depending upon the type. If you are alone, call someone over right now. If you ingested it 2 hours ago, it has already hit you blood and nervous systems, vomiting won't help. Get on the phone and get some help.

agrees totally, i've taken a lot of biology classes this past year and found out that wild mushrooms can be really poisionous. Seek medical attention

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hi everyone thankyou so much for your support and advice- well its nearly 24hours since i ate it and luckily im fine. I think i felt sick with worry that i could be poisoned- i had adrenaline rushing round my body when i was reading a website that said some mushrooms cause death and i started freaking out and feeling sick- it was probably all in my head but i was convinced something wasnt right. What the hell was i thinking??? i was just in a really happy mood and thought ha ha i'll have a nibble of this and see whether its magic. I know its hard to believe- but i really didnt know that mushrooms could kill you.


Well ive learnt a very important lesson-


never eat anything you find in the woods hoping to get high-

its very childish and stupid and sometimes you might die!

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WOW - you are very lucky. There are far more poisionous mushrooms out there than there are edible ones.


I still think you should go to the doctor and get yourself checked out. Just in case the effects of this mushroom you ate take more than 24 hours to kick in.


And no more eating random mushrooms!!!!

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I too read the same thing about mushrooms can take several days for you to feel any signs and symptoms of poisoning. By then it could be too late. I too suggest you still seek medical attention just to be on the safe side. You could still be in danger.


THis paragraph below is from the info that I read yesterday.


Can we just wait to see if symptoms appear?


Just because a victim does not have any symptoms right away does not mean that everything is OK. Symptoms may not develop until several days later. Not all mushrooms are poisonous. But several people have developed complete liver failure after eating the wrong mushrooms. They received liver transplants and will be taking anti-rejection drugs for the rest of their lives. If no liver is available for an emergency transplant, the patient could die.

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Glad that you are feeling ok Princess. However, I also urge you to see a doctor just in case. Better safe then sorry. If its nothing, then you just wasted a few hours. If its serious, you may save your life. Better off knowing for sure.


never eat anything you find in the woods hoping to get high-

its very childish and stupid and sometimes you might die!


Great lesson. And it rhymes too.

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