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high sex drive

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Okay so i am currently having a little problem... actually i think its bigger than i thought. I feel as if i have a way higher sex drive than my boyfriend.

i want it like all the time...as in once or twice a day as to He wants it like 3 times a week. I dont know what to do... i feel extremly bad because well at first i started fights with him over this... which i am ashamed of. Then i started thinking maybe its me.. he tells me that its not me he says there is nothing wrong with me its just that i like sex more than him, he also says its beacuse he getting older...well hes only 22! I mean i wake him up in the middle of the night by kissing his neck and getting rubbing him all over... he just seems to roll over. He actually gets pretty annoyed now when i try to have sex with him. But when i leave him alone and ignore him hes all over me, i feel as if hes playing games with me or something.

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I feel the same way! I argued with my boyfriend the other night because I wanted to have sex again and he didn't. Even though it is a pretty stupid subject to argue over, it still makes me mad b.c. i get rejected. He says I'm more like the guy in the relationship because I always want to have sex and he doesn't want it as much as me. I never say no when he wants to with me because I like having sex with him, I don't know... guys can be confusing when it comes to this stuff.

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sometimes i find that it's not the guy who has a low sex drive it's just that he want's to be the one to initiate sex.


some guys just want to have that control and might be put off be the female initiating sex.

the reason why i mention this is because you say when you leave him alone he's all over you.

try reverse psychology.

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I mean i wake him up in the middle of the night by kissing his neck and getting rubbing him all over... he just seems to roll over. He actually gets pretty annoyed now when i try to have sex with him.

I'd be annoyed too if I was woken up in the middle of the night like that! But if he just doesn't want sex as often, I don't think there's much you can do to change that. You should be patient with him. Indeed, a lot of guys would love sex all the time - but not all of them.

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As a guy, I can tell you that, contrary to popular belief, sometimes we don't wanna have sex (shocking!). Sometimes we're tired, just like the ladies. It's probably nothing against you, he just doesn't feel it all the time.


You should probably talk to him about this. If you are always pressuring him into sex, he might feel pressured to always be able to "perform", something I know can be kind of stressful for some guys. If this is the case, see if you (or him) could settle for something else other than sex (I won't get into the details, but you know what I mean...).


Don't be ashamed of yourself, though. Many guys (myself included) would love a g/f like you!

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well i do talk with him about this and this is where the whole waking him up came from... one day i woke him up in the middle of the night by giving him oral sex he was very very pleased..then he said that if he falls asleep..which he does everytime hes with me, then let him fall asleep then wake him up an hour before he has to go to work and we ca have se well i tried that and thats when he just rolls over or says he has a stomache ache..grrr.

so like when he tells me to just lay off for a while i do that then he comes on to me and asks me if i wanna have sex and im like umm no you told me to wait like 5 days.... and hes like well that sucks cause i guess i bought condoms for nothing then..so then ill come on to him and then he will be like no you said you want to wait so im gonna help you through it..ahhh im so confused!!!

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Stop talking to him about it. Communication is fine, but you asking him is you sying give me more, which is not getting you more is it? OK, how do you get more? Well, you try to do what works to make him want more. Stop listening to what he says, and act upon what he does.


If you do something and he is turned on, then file that away to pull it out once in a while.


Maybe pull out a lingerie catalog and ask him what he likes, when you see him get turned on, take advantage of it, and also remember what got him that way. Buy what got him turned on, and wear it a month or more later. Say he likes body stockings, and one day finds you have a bodystocking and nothing else under your clothes. Maybe read something erotic in front of him, and try to hide it, that will make him want to read it. When he does, see what gets him turned on, and then use it. Write him a nasty email about what you "dreamed" last night. Etc. Do waht works.

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As a guy, I can tell you that, contrary to popular belief, sometimes we don't wanna have sex (shocking!). Sometimes we're tired, just like the ladies. It's probably nothing against you, he just doesn't feel it all the time.


That's all it is. It has nothing to do with you, its just that he has a lower sex drive. I'm guessing when you do have it, its good? Then enjoy what you have. In the meantime, focus on the romance. Don't play games to get sex or seem like you are pressuring him. Just do things to keep the romance, passion, and fire going. If you do that and there is love, the sex will come in time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As previously mentioned, guys aren't these horn dogs most women percieve us to be, lol. Sometimes we just don't feel like it. Sometimes we'd much just rather cuddle or just be with you. It doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean we don't like to have sex, it just means that we just don't feel like it!


And there's no reason you should give it to him everytime he wants it, unless you want it to. It should be something you BOTH want at the same time. And don't count the times in a week, that's just goofy! The number of times doesn't matter, the quality matters

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That's good. Girls need to have higher sex drives. It's part of human nature to have sex a reproduce. I think people are brainwash to believe girls don't care about sex.


Just got to tell him that you want it, try to make hom jealous and talk bout another guy. Tease him, make it fun though.

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Just got to tell him that you want it, try to make him jealous and talk bout another guy. Tease him, make it fun though.


If a girl was trying to make me jealous and talking about another guy, it would turn be off and upset me too much to want to have sex. Why would a guy that has just been compared to another guy, be in the mood for sex? I would think a guy would be more likely to do it if he knew you were only thinking of him.

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