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Ex + new girlfriend + one week


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Cannot handle. What does she look like? Is she prettier than me? Does he say all those things he used to say to me to her? Of course he does, but he didn't he mean those words when he said them to me, so does that mean he doesn't mean them when he says them to her? Will he stay with her for a long time? He probably saw her whilst having this unofficial relationship with me, because otherwise HOW can he move on so quickly, he obviously never cared about me. Basically he lead me on for a few months, made out with me, all the rest of it and kept reassuring me we'll be official when his exams finish. To cut the story short he told me a lot of lies and it ended in him stating we should just be friends. I see him everyday at college. Revenge: flirt, get him drunk, kiss him passionately, his girlfriend will find out he's a cheat (better sooner than later), she'll dump him, he'll be heart-broken just like I am.


I probably sound like a pyscho lol any words of wisdom guys?xxx

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To cut the story short he told me a lot of lies and it ended in him stating we should just be friends. I see him everyday at college. Revenge: flirt, get him drunk, kiss him passionately, his girlfriend will find out he's a cheat (better sooner than later), she'll dump him, he'll be heart-broken just like I am.


Remember these words my friend: what goes around comes around.


The toughest part here is seeing this chump everyday...but in the future when you do see him...remember what I wrote above and what you wrote about this new girl dumping him...

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Don't play games and live it up for the sake of getting revenge on him. Do it because you want to for yourself. If he lied to you, then he will eventually get his just desserts. This other girl will be treated the same way. You shouldn't be jealous of her. If anything, you should feel sorry for her. There is nothing wrong with being hurt or angry if that is how you feel. See that this guy isn't worth the effort to even think about.

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Thanks annie. You're right, I will be living it up infront of him, smiling and being happy. Of only making out with a hottie 5x hotter was that easy!


To clarify, I didn't mean to act happy infront of him, I meant to really, move on, from him, and find a better person to date. Don't act happy, be happy!

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Hunny - your first thoughts are my thoughts exactly - it's amazing!


but i agree with Annie - we both need to move on - and focus on ourselves and look forward to meeting new men who in fact will be 5x hotter that our ex - and we no longer will have to act happy, cause we truly will BE happy


lol. it's way to easy to say that though. but it helps for a minute at least and eventually it will be true.

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  • 4 weeks later...

omfg girl u explained everything im goin through to a T!!!!!! man i feel lyk im goin crazy thanx believe it or not u helped me n readin wat other pplz rote helps alot too but girl u just got to be strong if he couldnt see the best thing right in front of him just forgive, forget and him wish him luck cuz shell neva be u and theres someone out there for u so the more time that u stay stuck in the past the more likely of missin something wonderful right in front of u my friend sent me this and i always go baq and read it over and over again to feel better i hope it does the same for u.


As we grow up, we learn that even that ONE person that wasnt supposed to ever let you down probably will .You will have ur heart broken more than once And its harder everytime. You will break hearts, too .

So remember how it felt when yours was broken.You will fight with your best friend. You blame a new love for things an old one did. Youu will cry because time is passing too fast. And you will eventually loose someone you love.

So take too many pictures, laugh too much and love like you never been hurt because every 60 seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you will never get back so now that you read this think of the all the friends you lost& all the mistakes you did & just for a minute think if they were still a part of your life how many moments you spent angry you could of spent it laughing with them, everyone needs somebody..learn to forgive

Dont say you love me unless its true because

i might do somethin stupid like believe you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
puccie08 I really think you should read this ]


Good one, just skipped through that post 'cos I couldn't read it!


Anyway, the same thing happened to me in college. Got off with this cute guy, considered myself lucky, then realised he didn't even care about me and didn't want to tell anyone about us. He lied a lot to get me into bed.


Basically, he then told me he just wanted to be friends and I got very upset. Had to see him around college all the time which was hard. But I got over him pretty quickly, you know why? Cos I found someone a million times better, and at college too, and I became very happy. I know right now, any girl he comes into contact with will be hurt like he hurt me.


So, just ignore him, find someone else, and he'll regret everything.

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