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always just the best friend...

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Ok...I have this reoccurring problem. I like a girl and would like to date her so i try to get to know her and stuff...but then it's like...i don't get anywhere. I just get the ol' best friend thing...you know what I'm talking about...will tell you everything but would never imagine dating you in a thousand years. Yeah, that's how this goes. It happens any time that I try to get close to a girl...it sucks terribly. What am I doing wrong here?

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This is a very very common thing. Basically when it happens what it means is that the girl does care about you (otherwise she just wouldn't be friends with you) but either is preoccupied with someone else, or doesn't see you as her 'type'.


If it is because she is already preoccupied with someone else, then you could either:

1. Remain her friend but move on and try to find someone else to date or

2. Wait it out and be there to support her (though if she also considers you not her 'type' this would just put you farther into the hole)


If it is because you aren't her 'type' then you could:

1. Spend more time with her and hint to her that you would like to become more than friends, which could plant a seed in her mind causing her to think about you differently (though in some cases that could be a longshot)

2. Space yourself a little bit. Show her what it is like without you. This may cause her to realize that maybe she does like you but was simply taking you for granted. (When I was in this situation this is the route I took and my best friend did come around and realize that we were perfect for eachother. We are still together)


I know that the situation can be frustrating, but as long as you truly care about her and think you two would be good together, it is not a dead end, only an obstacle. Good Luck!

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well see i do that...im very outgoing and i talk to everybody i see. i go to a small school and id say im pretty much friends with everybody. there isnt anybody i dislike, so im always nice and hardly in a bad mood. so im always talking to people and girls are no different. i talk to them all the time. and i tend to flirt and stuff like that...i dont know. maybe im just not a like-able (as in going out, like.) guy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ending up as friends says nothing about who you are and that you aren't attractive. It's not about being nice or being friends. It's simple a matter of not being compatible. Enjoy the friendship for what it is. In time you will find someone else, someone better with whom you can have a relationship with. For some it seems to take a long time to get that. But when you do, its worth it.

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If you haven't held her hand or put your arm around her waist at least once by the end of the 2nd date/meeting/whatever, odds are you two are headed for just-friends.


Or one or both people could be incredible shy and nervous. Doesn't mean it ends as only friendship.

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