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my Baby, my life, FOREVER

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Omg i sorry i havent written on here lately. I went into premature labor and had my Little Angel to soon. She was to small to hold her life. I feel like my life has just ended too! I've cried for days and nights. I feel like sometime i cant live another day knowing she isnt in me anymore or here in the world. I'm sry to burden you people with this but I cant breath. I feel as if My Little angel has taken every last breath, spunk, and smile out of me to take with her to be with the ANgels in heaven. Im sorry but i need someone else to talk to other than my parents for a change.

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Anything I tell you will be easier said than done. Dealing with the loss of a loved one is something that everyone handles differently. Understand, your little Angel is in a better place and that God has reasons beyond our understanding. We cry from our own selfishness, but we should rejoice. Seek comfort in knowing that your Angel will never feel pain or hurt or rejection or any of the negative feelings that we "of this world" have to endure. Pray, pray, pray. God will see you through.

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Wow... So sorry to hear that. I have never been in this situation but I would suggest being around family and going to see a professional counselor. I hope you can find the strength you need. You have to. Life must go on. Please though, make sure you have a support team of family and friends around constantly.

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I'm really sorry to hear that. But bearing in mind that you being really young and giving birth to a baby at your age is very hard - meaning that your Angel is better now and waiting to come back.


Think about it. This angel of yours will come back to give sun to your life. Do not lose hope. Being around friends and family is a must. And bare in mind, even though she is not in you, or outside you, she is still there.


Hope you get better. You have the support of all here!

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I am so sorry Erica. i really do not know what to say to you to make you feel better. but i do believe that your little angel is still around you too. i hope that you have loads of support from your friends and family. but you do know that you can post here as much as you want to get things off your chest.

i really hope that you are getting through this ok!!

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OMg THat is so sad ERica. Im so so so sry that that happened to you. YOu were getting excited and getting ready for this baby and all that has left you. It is painful for me to even hear that. Im always here for you and will always be here. YOur angel will be fine GOd will take care of her. Yes, she is still there with you. She wouldnt want to see you cry, it will be fine just keep close to your friends and family. LIke Me! LYLAS

Allyson L.


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I'm sorry this happened and anything I say will be small compared to the grief that you are feeling. But from the bottom of my heart, I'm feeling sad and hurt for you. Losing a child is never easy and to have her taken away so quickly must be unbearable. My mother miscarried before I was born, and I know that the sadness still remains with her.


If its any consolation, trust that the baby is now in a better place. God loved that child so much and knew how great she was, that he wanted her with him now. You'll have another child one day, and you'll be immensly happy. For now, take all the time you need to grieve and know that we are all here for you. I'm keeping you in my thoughts.

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I am crying as I read this. I am so sorry for the loss of your little one. I am horrible in these situations, I know that no matter what I say it won't be enough to help take away the pain.


Stay close to those who love you as they will help you get though this. Lean on them as much as you have to until you get strong again. Know that there are tons of people thinking of you and praying for you during this difficult time.

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Hey ERica...

Im crying too as i read this. My heart aches with pain for you. I realize this could have and still could happen to me. IM so sorry you have to go through this at 15 years old. Im only 14 but still understand your pain. My mom had a still born son when I and my sister were 13. We thought Finally we will have a brother but sometimes things work out for the best. Maybe God thought you werent prepared to be a mom and wanted her to be with him to see you live out your life. There are so many reason why she left this Earth its just only you cant see them. Its a natural thing to be sad over someone close and dear to your heart has died exspecially when its your Own DAUGHTER. Im really sorry for you I really am. But remember she is healthy and happy with God now in heaven never to frown or feel the pains of life. She is watching you now as you are mourning for her Saying "I love you Mommy! and dont worry im always with you" She loves you even if she isnt here and I know you do too. Dry your tears and rejoice for her freedom of happiness in Heaven FOREVER!



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Thank you all the burial was today. I went but barely could sit there. I wanted to run away. Im so depressed. I've all your post and thank you. They made me feel loved and comforted. My parents are driving me insane. They keep saying "Now you have your life back" and "Dont cry she is in a better place" and Oh this one really burns me up... "Dont worry you couldnt have taken care of her anyway with us having to step in and do everything for you." They are being so cold against me. Its not my fault that she was born early and died. I feel i cant even cry with out them saying suck it up and deal with it.(they havent said that, but i know its comin') I hate them right now. Al they're doing is being * * * holes and i really dont need that right now. Im more angry than upset now because i have to deal with them. Im thinking about moving to my grandparents in Tennessee. IF they dont quit saying all that stuff to me im going to move. I told my grandma and she wanted to talk to them after the burial today and she said anytime im ready just give her a call and she will come get me. So im guessing that she must have not like what she heard. She is alone really my grandfather is dying so im really all she has that actually loves her and calls her. But anyway... its so mixed up here im about to just need to scream.

Just keep posting and i'll answer sooner or later.


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Once gain, I'm sorry you experienced all this. It's a horrible thing and my heart is aching for you. Honestly, your parents really don't sound like good people and its not the kind of environment you should be having to live in. You're grandmother sounds like she really cares. Lean on her in this difficult time.

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They are being so cold against me. Its not my fault that she was born early and died. I feel i cant even cry with out them saying suck it up and deal with it.(they havent said that, but i know its comin') I hate them right now. Al they're doing is being * * * holes and i really dont need that right now.

You are right. No, you don't need that right now at all. Stay with your grandmother for awhile if your parents aren't being understanding. You need to surround yourself with as much love as possible.


If they think the way they are talking to you is being supportive they need a wake up call. Some people don't know how to handle seriously bad things and just shut down emotionally.. are your parents like that? I'd hate to think they are as cold and unfeeling as they sound.

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OMG!!That is so incredibly sad.I feel like I am going to cry!I can't imagine the pain you are going through.I'm so sorry.Your parents are being so mean to you by making such rude comments.Do they really care what has just happened to you?I think you should live with grandmother for a while.It seems like she really does care about you a lot!I really don't know what to say.Except to be strong and keep praying.Let us know how you are doing.

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Oh girl, I am SO sorry... this must hurt so much. It really surprises me that your parents make comments like this. How utterly insensitive. I mean, they KNOW how it is to expect a baby, and you were so happy with your little angle.


Take all the time you need to heal, don't ever feel like you are not 'entitled' to this pain. You are a strong woman, and we're here to listen to you whenever you need.


I am sorry I read this so late,



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I am so sorry. When I lost my first baby, the only thing that anyone said that comforted me was "your baby's dancing with Jesus now." Several people said stuff like "it might be better this way," or other equally unintentionally insensitive things, but thinking about my baby there with God, being comforted in the way I would have comforted him/her, was the only thought that brought me peace.


Again, I am so incredibly sorry. Nobody should ever have to go through this. Big hugs.

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I'm just catching up with this thread now, and I want to extend my condolances as well. I'm so sorry this happened!


No matter how young you are, or whether this pregnancy was expected or not, losing your child is devestating, and I'm so sorry that your parents aren't being empathetic to that right now.


Don't let them dismiss your feelings, you are healthy and normal to be having them. You know you can post here whenever you need to vent or have someone listen to you.


Please keep us updated, and remember, we are hear for you.



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Hey IM so sry Erica... I would told them * * * *ing * * * holes to shove it were the sun dont shine if i was there. That is so wrong for them to say those things to you. I think that they really are rather happy that you arent having this baby. I would leave there sorry asses and Tell them to * * * * off. They have no reason to talk to you that way. Exspecially when you just lost a baby. I believe you need to go live with your grandmother. She seems like a nice lady and she seems to care and love you very much.

You are strong and old enough to make the descion on what you want to do and if you wnat to live with you gm go ahead because its seems like your * * * * * * * parent dont give a damn. Sorry if this is harsh but this makes me really angry to see them talking to you like that as if you were 2 years old.

LYLAS Be strong.



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