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weird sweating problem

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Recently I have noticed that whenever I get really cold, I sweat profusely. On the contrary, when I get really overheated or have been exercising, I barely sweat at all. Does anyone know if this is some kind of medical condition, or symptoms of some medical condition? Or am I just weird...? Thanks for your help!

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Its usually caused by fitness levels. If you sweat at low temps its because the body is trying to raise body heat a bit and sort of goes about it wrong, a bit like what happens when you suffer from hypothermia. Also when you exercise you may get very very hot but not sweat.

The cure is to improve your cuirculation with regualr exercise. try swimming as it makes you fir but does not over heat you. Also the kind of sweat it it is not the same kind as underarm sweat is usually.

Having your underarms botoxed youst seals toxins inside your skin. how vile.

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i sweat too much. esp in the heat, but got a deodrant from the docs called driclor. you can also get it as boots. put it on at night and wash off in the morn. Trust me it works, duno what i would have done without it. It can irritate your skin if your sensitive it did mine to start with but over time you'll use it less and less until you barely need to.


i get the cold sweat thing too!!usually when im cold and i have a warm jumper on, i sweat a lot! although i havnt used driclor for absolutely ages so will use this again. but know how annoying and uncomfortable it is!!!


but try driclor!really!

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