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Hello...day 12 of breakup. I have really took an active approach to my recovery.Some days are better than others, On the way home from work It all came crashing in and I cried a bit. I kept wondering why this happens why does my mind stay strong and mature one day and the next I feel like crawling under a rock and waste away. I read that we tend to put the signifigant other on a pedestal and play old tapes of the good times cuddling, having fun, romance etc... I decided to write what annoyed me about her so I could look at it in times of despair... readers feel free to post similar... sounds dumb but I need to see what i'm not missing too.. top 3


1. She always made me feel like I was an idiot and point out the smallest thing that I wasnt doing right, for example washing the dishes couldnt do that right.. washing clothes "let me do it" you always screw it up..."gee how long does it take to put up drywall?" and "you didnt rinse the tub all the way, how hard is it to do that?"


2. I saw you looking at that chick, what do you want her, you think she's pretty? What were you watching before I came in Spanish channel, looking at those bimbos? why is the history deleted on the computer what were you surfing for porn? How come you didnt call on lunch? have a date with a chick from work?


3. tearing up the house when we would argue (twice a month) average. she would go balistic and slam doors over and over, I have no door jams in my upstairs, i her little fits hse broke a window, my cell phone,the bathroom mirror, the CD player , and the house phone in the course of two years.


wow that suxxs to look at....

now when I get all sad and bummed I can look at what I'm missing.

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yeahh nice strategy sounded like hell! hmm...lemme try....he had nothing to say...EVER, well he was just dull. he could not stimulate my mind! dammit that was his only flaw....is that enuff?? lol


yeee the good times totally kicked butt...but they werent the ones to marry. case closed! enjoy the memories and look forward to the ones to come

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wow #2 was exactly like my ex.


she'd also say i was feminine. call me a fag. if i made small talk with a guy, she'd ask if i got his number.


she'd always accuse me of checking out other girls calling me a pig amongst other things. If i cursed back at her, i was an even bigger * * * for it. she didnt get that an insult is an insult, no matter who says it, and what she said wasnt as bad what i said


she'd go online talking to other guys, she even went on a few dates. why i didnt dump her * * * then i dont know? but i couldnt do anything. and she'd say i didnt commit to you and we were never monogamous


dear lord i feel better...what am i missing

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let me try this...


1. she was a know it all. she often challenged my answers when she asked me for help with her computer when i am a certified apple technician.

2. she never had any money. i often had to pay for dinner and things but, she did pay me for her half...eventually

3. she never had any time when school started. during our relationship, we often spent time at each other's homes and only went out to dinner occasionally. we never even went out dancing or even saw a movie together.

4. she had slept with a lot of men before me which always bothered me for some reason

5. she has a dog and loved that dog more than me and her life revolved around it

6. she's selfish

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let me add..


she rarley acknowledged the litle nice things i did.... I live in the north and the bathroom is always freezing in the morning I would get up ealier crank the heat so the bathroom would be nice and toasty for her. or warm up her car.. or make coffee every morning.. or always give her the nicer piece of steak...things that made me feel like I was a good bf always went unaknowledged

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Yeah? heres mine, she was a cold fish. Getting her in the mood was like manual labour and I always had to get her in the mood, she never initiates sex or kiss my cheek or rub my back, all the things I did to make her feel comfortable. The more I think of it the more a realise how unappreciate my deeds of kindness were, so when in comes down to it being unappreciate is one of the things we all hate most about our ex.

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