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bad day

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felt really low today, drove around on my way home looking for good offing spots. i feel like i am on a collision course here. does anyone know what i mean? i have heard people say they feel calm, almost euphoric, sometimes before attempting suicide. is this true? i feel very strange definitely. hope i last to make my appointment.

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felt really low today, drove around on my way home looking for good offing spots. i feel like i am on a collision course here. does anyone know what i mean? i have heard people say they feel calm, almost euphoric, sometimes before attempting suicide. is this true? i feel very strange definitely. hope i last to make my appointment.


no way...if this is over a girl no way! trust me

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Ive felt calm before trying to commit suicide. Was on my varanda, looking down and I jsut thought, "its now. all my problems will be far away. I can rest in peace. no stress no nothing. Yes. ok... lets do it." but then.. i chickened out and i didnt do it.


Of course you will be alive to make to your apointment, because you want help and you want to make it. It's an issue of will. and you will do it because you are strong! you have to think like that. "i'm strong. I'm strong" repeat that many times out loud, and it works. if you keep sayin "im weak. I'm sh*t" then... you are. It's all psycological.

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Well, look around for something else. Do something to break the pattern of that inner dialog. Find a hill to walk up and look at the view. Buy yourself a fancy cup of coffee and watch people walk by, anything but dwell on your pain.


Women aren't worth this kind of thing. They're all over the place and one of them will someday make you glad to be alive. They can do that too, you know. Hang in there for us, James.

You're almost there. Breathe deeply, take a shower, anything but stew in your feelings. It will get better.

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The reason they feel calm is because they have made a decision to kill themselves and they get some sort of relief that the decision but it's not their 'true' deep down feelings, James.


Those feelings are fear, emotional exhaustion and pain, they run away from something they cannot cope at that time and, because of the way they feel and the constant source of turmoil, their negative thoughts talk them into it. Don't be bluffed by your thoughts, they are just thoughts. Put them to one side and feel that strange feeling inside you, examine it and see if it feels like fear. It just a feeling James and it will pass ok.


Some people also feel there is NO hope for them but I see from your posting that you still hold on to Hope. Hope is a wonderful thing, keep it safe inside your heart because you do have Hope because this strange, bad time WILL pass. Don't forget that things are going to change in few days, they already are. You have us, you have that appointment to look forward to and this is going to seem like one hell of a bad dream soon.

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At one time I was certain there'd never be another good day for me.

I was at peace with my plan and very calm. No anger, no sadness or pain.

Today it's hard to believe I was so low. It's like thinking of another person's feelings yet I'm not drugged or fooling myself. Life is actually better.

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Beautiful post by Bethany. I echo all her sentiments. Hold onto hope. Sometimes, hope is all we have. But things do get better.


People feel calm because it is a release. It's the feeling you get when you finally come up with a solution to a problem that has been bothering you. But its not a solution. It's surrender to those depressing feelings. I've felt times when I had given up on everything and figured I might as well die. But somewhere in me, there was still hope. And there is still hope in you James, otherwise you wouldn't be posting here. You can make it until your appointment. Do as Dako said and find something to take your mind off things. Think of one thing that you have always loved to do, something that puts a smile on your face. Do it. And don't forget, we are here to listen, to help you to this appointment and afterwards.

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Hi James,

just take a day at a time and you will make your appointment. You are going to get through this, it may not sometimes seem so but you will feel better with time especially when you can talk and share things.

Try and focus on some other things, nature and animals are a sure way I find to boost the day.


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Ah... the weekend. The time where you sit at home thinking about how everyone else is out partying and having a good time. Blast the weekend.


Find something to do that keeps you occupied and your mind off things. Even if its just for a long walk or to the park to play basketball. Help you pass the time and feel a little better.


You'll find a job soon. Just keep looking.


And when you find someone to cuddle, it'll be that much more special because of how you've waited so long for it.

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Stick with us James,

I sometimes get a lift from watching people have fun in the park when I'm down. Little kids with parents, dogs running and just the rhythm of life.

Weekends have more of this than weekdays.

Sure, it can make you lonely but can also be a reminder of where you want to be in the future.

Sometimes I just take a coffee to the park, sit under a tree and let the wind wash over me. Other times I sit on the beach until long after sunset shivering just to feel something real and natural outside my brain.


I know this stuff sounds dumb, but at times it's kept me going.

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Hey James,


Do you have a dog?


When I am having a terrible day, even when it's frigid out, I bundle up and take my dog out for a vigorous walk/run. It gets my blood going and my dog is so thrilled that I am paying attention to her.


Pets are a wonderful resource when you are feeling blue.

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Do you like kids? I find that they always cheer me up. They carry such an innocence and sense of hope. Some of the things they do can melt even the grinch's heart.


Could be any activity, just something you love and will help make you smile. Cheer you up some.


Anyways, hope you are doing well James.

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