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i am so depressed with my life

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i am so depressed with my life. everyday is a hole in my heart, always wanting to cry. feeling unloved and lonely. i am devastated with my life. i somewhat want to get help, but i am too depressed for even that. i dont feel good about myself. i am told i am beautiful and smart. but i haven't accomplished anything. i didn't finish high school and i am doing nothing but staying at home all day. i dont have any close friends. my tears are slowly rolling down my eyes and i need someone to talk to. i am scared to hurt myself because i don't want to. but my mind constanltly thinking about suicidal thoughts.

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I am sorry to hear you are feeling so down...

You know not to long ago I did this very thing; you get so depressed you are unable to really reach out, find the friends you need and talk to people about the way you feel.

But the reality is, you HAVE to get up walk out the door (even if forced) and choose to live. You can succeed, but the hard truth is you must do the work. And seeing someone and being evaluated for medication should be the first step. You will be amazed at how for the first time you have the energy and the motivation to get moving. The longer you sit there, the worse it will get.

And as far as feeing as if you have not accomplished what you wanted to ....you have lots of time! I am sure now you know what you want and if you try again...you are sure to get it. I know that we all hope we are in certain places by certain ages....but the reality is...it rare for that to happen. It takes much longer to "do it all" then we thought!

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Hmm, well this makes your other post about your BF who looks at to much porn make more sense. You feel that you are not worthy so by him looking at other girls, it's kind of full filing your worst fear. Being neglect and unworthiness.


When things don't go as we planed we have a tendency to feel as if we have failed. If not finishing school is a sore spot for you, why don't you go back?


You say you feel alone, why? It doesn't matter if others think your beautiful or smart it matter what you think about your self. Do as Segagirl says. Take the first step outside.


Why don't you start new hobbies, one that you can gain confidence and self worth from? You see if we place all out hopes in only a few things then we risk failure. We need to diversify our activities so that we have more opportunity to gain happiness and self-confidence.


There is no need to feel the way you do. Things can get better, change your mindset, thing positive and take a step outside Good luck; we will be here for you.

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Hello, I read your other post about your bf. I passed through your exact situation a little time ago. Sometimes when we have a problem, and don't know what to do about is, it's normal that you curl up in yourself, and feel depressed and not in the mood of anything.

The answer to that can only be given by you, find out what the problem is. If you started feeling this way, after the problem with your bf, then it's time to act on it.

Even if you feel you're not in the mood of anything, remember always that it's you who controls your body. Even if you don't have friends, try some chatting programs like mirc, where you can find many people willing to help. Don't give up!

Remember that sometimes in our lives, we all feel lonely and sad, and it's not only you who's passing through it. Remember also that it's all in your mind, even if you don't feel enthusiastic bout anything, show that you are. Acting happy, will eventually make you feel happy.

I hope that I was a little help, goodluck and always keep it positive

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Sometimes depression is brought on by events, but sometimes it's an actual medical problem.


I wouldn't suggest medication - especially as it's seen as a 'quick-fix' - but have you tried speaking to your doctor? The fact that you are thinking about or actually harming yourself is something you should tell him or her.


Last year I got really depressed - I would be on the bus home from work and tears would just start sliding down my face. When I went to my doctor he at first suggested anti-depressants, but when I refused he suggested I come off the contraceptive pill. It made an enourmous difference - if you are on it I would definetely suggest looking into that.


(I also had a self esteem sapping boyfriend at the time. When I started to get over the depression I found the strength to break up with him.)

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i think a damn lot of people end up in ur situation including me.

the days when i fee lgood i build up motivation and see me life a huge challange (a challange just to be happy hmmm.) and i love challenges.


I know alot of people have there lives made for them and they r so happy and stress out about what clothes to wear, but forget that and realise that its the life god gave you and it, is so beautiful when your not beating yourself up.

just keep your head up, go work out (gym, jog and walk) get a pet if you want and just keep busy doing things you like doing.


i failed high school blew a attempt at computing school but that dont mean your dumb, you sound like your smarter than most people who do well at school.

Sometimes when im depressed i think damn im a prick theres people out there with no legs or no food or war torn or sucide bombd or tourtured and they handle things better than i do....


give yourself a chance you'll do fine, even though medication helps in my own personal view i think depression can only be cured from you own thoughts but its what ever u think is right in the end.


later mate.

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