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Ok here is my problem....


Im in love with my boyfriend, we have been dating for almost 6 months. And this is the longest relationship I've had. I feel that when Im not with him, I'm lost. He goes to visit his moms house every weekend, and now Im starting to get suspicious. Im not sure exactly what he is doing there. I mean I dont want my boyfriend to go to a differant city and party without me. How do I know what he's doing ? He has a step brother there, and he has a girlfriend and all three of them go out and party together, but I know for a fact his step brothers girlfriend is gonna bring a friend. Im just sooooooooooooo jealous right now, and Im so worried that hes going to do somthing stupid and I wont even know about it. When we are together, he's with me 24/7 he spends every minute with me, and we have fun together. And when he goes to his moms hes a complete differant person, it seems like hes having so much fun there he doesnt even care about me. He will call me once a day, and talk to me for 10 minutes and then he will say "Well i guess ill let u go now" im so mad and pissed off, because as soon as i start to trust him, he goes over there and i get so mad and jealous because i feel like he is cheating on me. I want to know for a fact if he is cheating on me.

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well.....he says that he "Has to go visit his mom"cuz they did this thing in court or whatever...plus he used to talk to a couple of girls on the phone all the time...im so jealous i dont know if he really is doing somthing or if im just paranoid beacuse ive been cheated in the past....

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I mean I tried calling him last night, and he was with his friends and I could hear them in the backround and stuff, and I was really jealous because Im afraid that he might do somthing with another girl and I would never find out about it because he's 2 hours away right now. And then he usually comes back on Sundays, and last night he told me that he wouldnt be coming home on Sunday but Monday. It's like * * *? Why is he staying there an extra day ? Im suspicious as hell.

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Have you told him your feeling left out?

If he doesnt know these things, how can he put them right between you. Talk to him.


Why don't you just say that you would love to meet his family? If he has nothng to hide, then surely he will take you along. 6 months is a fair time to be dating and for him to consider taking you to meet them.I might even go so far as to tell him that you're feeling left out and see what his reaction is.

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Why don't you just say that you would love to meet his family? If he has nothng to hide, then surely he will take you along. 6 months is a fair time to be dating and for him to consider taking you to meet them.I might even go so far as to tell him that you're feeling left out and see what his reaction is.


I second that. It's a way of finding out what he is doing without seeming to invasive. After 6 months, it isn't an unreasonable request.

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Is there a holiday at school coming up so you can go on that weekend?


That he asked you to go there is a good sign, that he isn't trying to keep it a total secret. Unfortunately, the timing doesn't work out so you can go. Try to find a time that works for both of you.


Do you know details about the court thing? Have you really talked about it or was it mentioned and brushed aside? Maybe if you knew why he absolutely has to go each weekend, that would help explain some things.


It's also ok to be a little cautious and unsure, given that you were cheated on. But you do need to be able to trust him. If you are having a hard time doing that, you should talk to him about how you are feeling. Honesty is always best in a relationship. Just try to be calm and reasonable, not like you are accusing him because then he will probably get defensive and it will be a big fight with nothing resolved. An honest heart to heart talk is in order.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel so betrayed....i know he cheated on me. We are going through the same routine again, this time it hurts so much. Ive been crying for 2 hours straight, sitting in my room in the dark listening to the radio. Im so depressed, and its all his fault. Why does he have to act like a complete * * * * * * * and ignore me and make me feel like when hes away? I broke up with him, now hes going to manipulate me and make everything sound perfect. HES FAKEEEEE, and im so stupid for believing his lies, and taking him back. All i do is take him back, if i would of dumped him sooner i wouldnt have been this hurt. Now Im gonna be crying for the next 2 weeks. If only he knew how I felt. I feel like complete thanks to him..........i hate him

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