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A question for the singles

Kevin T

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Kevin T-


Does not work....that would go against nature...look to nature for the answer. I remember seeing this guy where I worked and for 5 weeks I grappled with 'asking him out' yeah me a girl, asking a guy out....He was the brother of a girl I went to school with. I even designed a 'plot' to ask him out. I was having real car trouble and asked him if he could take me to work (he lives like 2 minutes from my house). I thought if I could get him alone in the car, I could ask him out. I did....and he said we'll see...we'll see was like 3 years ago and now he's engaged to someone else.


I will NEVER ask another man out....and don't advise it for any girl.



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Rejection sucks and I give credit to all men doing the 'asking'...as I know what it feels like. BUT I took the risk and even though I was rejected, I was glad to know my answer with that guy. When I need an answer (not just for dating questions) but for questions in life---my philosophy is to look to nature---see what happens in nature---it's the natural flow of what's supposed to be.


Good luck, Kevin T (you can do it!!!)



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yeah, basically there is this idea that guys should do the pursuing... i don't know, i just got back from a market and this guy and i were smiling at each other, it was obvious we were flirting, and then... i just left.

i kind of feel like it's tacky to go up to a guy i don't know. not to hijack this post.

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Just talk to him. Find a reason to say anything. Actually, I'm taking credit for advice I didn't come up with....Kevin T (the original poster of this thread) told me that in one of my posts.


I like being single. I don't piss away five hours a day arguing through email with my ex. If my teddy bear is taking up too much room on my bed, I can throw him on the floor (can't do that with a boyfriend). I wear silk nightgowns to bed cause they feel good, not cause I want to look hot for a guy who just wants to rip it off. I can eat lots of garlic. If I forget to shave, its no big deal. I can get hammered out of my mind with my friends and not worry about what I've done. I can't paint in the studio for 5 hours straight and not have to call anyone. Best part: all the potential guys that give me butterflies in my stomach b/c they're cute...now i just have to work up the nerve to do something about it!


Downsides, though, are no frequent hooking up with anyone (fwb is no good for me)...god i miss that, no one to drive to and pay for dinner and movies, no one to get/give affection from/to, and worst part NO CUDDLING. Love cuddling. I'm such a girl.


So, I like being single....but as soon as a good guy who makes me laugh and makes me feel all warm inside comes around, I'll be perfectly willing to give it up. Who knows...maybe I'll find someone who likes garlic, too.

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No, actually I really dislike it...



But coming out of a LTR may be making things a little bit rough for me. I have no friends left, so...


Today I was bored as hell, tomorrow I'll also be bored as hell. Wish I had to work this weekend. I thought that taking a weekend off work would help me relax, but it hasn't, I'm hating it.


I could really use a laugh and a hugh right now.

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Rejection sucks and I give credit to all men doing the 'asking'...as I know what it feels like. BUT I took the risk and even though I was rejected, I was glad to know my answer with that guy. When I need an answer (not just for dating questions) but for questions in life---my philosophy is to look to nature---see what happens in nature---it's the natural flow of what's supposed to be.


Good luck, Kevin T (you can do it!!!)




Actually, I was simply playing devil's advocate. I honestly agree with you. Biologically, humans aren't so different from everything else, and I believe that it's the way we were designed. (Of course, there will always be exceptions.)


Anyway, thanks for the encouragement. I believe I can do it, too. (Now I just need to DO IT! lol)

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well, I've been a single guy for some time and I have dated 10 girls in the last 7 years or so and had a relationship with 3 of them. I enjoy my single life because it gives me time to do things I like, things that life has to offer but if i meet someone interesting I give it up..that's my way of life..yes I do enjoy my single life more than anything and sure wont give it up until someone can make me believe that they are worth the time!

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I'm not saying you can't be a happy fulfilled person on your own but realistically when I look back most of my happiest times have been when I've been in a couple. But that's just me, and I would only apply to my serious relationships. I am happily single now, but I can't help but think that life made more sense to me when I was in love with someone else, as much as I HATE to admit it?!

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you know, when i look back at all of my relationships there were good, happy times, but the most serious ones were the most painful, i look back on my first two and they seemed so easy in comparison, or at least my feelings seemed clearer to me, like i broke up with my second boyfriend when he was crappy to me and didn't feel at all dependent on him, later on i was in messed up relationships that were harder to be in than being single... so i don't know, as much as i look for love, i sometimes think friendship is much more rewarding and less stressful.

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  • 8 years later...
This obviously doesn't apply to anyone in a committed relationship, but only to those who are single (unattached) at the moment. How many people here enjoy being single? Who finds it to be a benefit and a blessing, instead of a curse? What are your reasons for this? Just curious and I'd like to hear people's responses. Thanks.


It's not an either/or thing. I enjoy the freedom that being single brings. I like doing what I want, when I want. I generally don't feel lonely.


Sometimes I miss having a significant other. Right now I'm very content sitting in a cafe typing this and looking out the window and watching life unfold in front of me. But it would be fun to have someone to hang out with. Help me pick out clothes. Go have lunch with. Someone to hold hands with. Especially this time of year. I have gal pals. I sometimes call them and hang out. And some days, like today, I just want to be alone. Having gal pals isn't the same as having a gf.


So I'm conflicted. But the important thing is, not matter how conflicted I am, I am happy.


Another reason to have a partner is sex. From what I remember it's fun.

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Kevin T-


Does not work....that would go against nature...look to nature for the answer. I remember seeing this guy where I worked and for 5 weeks I grappled with 'asking him out' yeah me a girl, asking a guy out....He was the brother of a girl I went to school with. I even designed a 'plot' to ask him out. I was having real car trouble and asked him if he could take me to work (he lives like 2 minutes from my house). I thought if I could get him alone in the car, I could ask him out. I did....and he said we'll see...we'll see was like 3 years ago and now he's engaged to someone else.


I will NEVER ask another man out....and don't advise it for any girl.




Because your one and only attempt lead to rejection doesn't mean all women who ask out men will fail. You basically gave up after one attempt. You can't achieve success by giving up when faced with a disappointment.


It's not nature. It's tradition. Tradition is one the dumbest reasons to keep doing something. It's 2014 not 1914.

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