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About a year ago, I became involved with this women. She said she was bisexual. As we went along, it got to a point where I wanted to be intimate with her. I am very romantic. I believe in roses and little gifts. I noticed she start pulling away. Now, here is where it get bizarre. My father was murdered by two hookers and I have reason to believe that this women is one of those women. I dont know what to do. Do I confront her? I love her, I do. Lets go to seniorio number two. She just wanted to get the attention so she pretended to be bi. At this point, I dont know whats going on. Can your readers offer some suggestions. Thank You. Signed real confused.

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Is it possible to talk to the police and ask them the names of the 2 hookers, that way you'll know if she was or not? Maybe the police will show you photos of the women?


I was going to suggest that you ask her but that means she could either lie or if she wasn't involved she'd be very offended! So that's not a good idea!


I'm sorry I can't think of anything else at the moment.

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How would he be able to know that the name this woman has given him is the same one from the police? She could even be lieing about her name.



I think you shall leave her alone for a bit. if she comes to you, it means she loves you, if not, she is just using you.

To have a relationship with a lier is NOT healthy. Just move on. Even though it is hard. PLUS I wouldnt go out with a girl who a) lies b) possibly killed my father c) was/is a hoocker d) possibly desieses


heh im going a bit off tracks.

By the way, where do you live? reading that your father was killed by 2 hoockers, made me really surprised... cause it's like 1 in a thousand that that would happen 0_o I'm sorry about that..

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I wish I could offer you some advice, but after reading your thread, I'm pretty perplexed by your story and situation. Was your father with two hookers that murdered him? Why weren't these hookers convicted of the crime and justice served? And was this woman you are with ever a hooker? What makes you think she could have been one that murdered your father and why would she become involved with you after the fact?


I think we need more information before we can really try to help you. This is an anonymous forum so what is posted on here stays on here.


And after this is solved I think you should get movie rights!

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OK, the two women that killed my father, they were sentenced to 30years. They only served four years. And it seems like to me, when she relized who my father was, she started backing away. And the name she is using now, it almost like this person does not exist. And another thing, she never leaves her house. And if you think about it, the two people that killed my father, would be off of parole next year. Its just something not right. Signed --Confused.

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