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Alright. I'm getting sick and tired of not having a purpose. I want to be doing something other than sitting around this house and I eventually would like to be able to pay for school. So I'm thinking of going military. Every last person I've talked to that's in the military has told me not to do it. But I'm beginning to feel that it's my only option. If I do decide to do this, which branch might some of you recommend? I'm also not sure if any of them would take me seeing as I've been on medication for depression, as well as being hospitalized 3 times for alcoholism and major depression. I'm also ADHD. Could that keep me from getting in? Could I get away with omitting that information? Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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First off the military doesnt really pay that good towards school, I have several friends who joined for that reason, once died this past november, the others didnt really get any money towards it.


I don't think you would be able to with the depression and adhd not to mention the alcoholism. They tend to check records and such...


Before making a life changing decision such as that, I would recomment talking to some vets and possibly a career counsiler (most local community colleges have them and its a start in the right direction..)


link removed is a good sight to look for scholarships to help with school and FAFSA can help.. The army can be a good thing, but not for everyone.. And many I have heard wished they hadn't.. Put serious thought and research into it.. Like I said talk to people your age that have done it, and go to a VA hospital and talk to men that have been there in the past. Edlers have a lot of wisdom.

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I'm pretty sure that if you've been diagnosed with depression, I don't think you can make it in.


IF they did let you into the military, there would be a very slim chance they'd let you go for infantry (fighting on the line), as it is very stressful and dangerous. Maybe something in computers, dentistry, mechanics, nursing, etc.?


Instead of thinking like you don't have any other options, look at how many options you do have.


If you have a job, many large companies offer scholarships, and you may be able to go to college for less.


What do you want to do with your life? What has always been a goal, or aspiration of yours? Do it!


If you set a light list of goals to make... maybe first getting a part-time job, and then going to college, etc. you won't have a lot of pressure, but still some guidelines.


Good luck!

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Alright. I'm getting sick and tired of not having a purpose. I want to be doing something other than sitting around this house and I eventually would like to be able to pay for school. So I'm thinking of going military. Every last person I've talked to that's in the military has told me not to do it. But I'm beginning to feel that it's my only option. If I do decide to do this, which branch might some of you recommend? I'm also not sure if any of them would take me seeing as I've been on medication for depression, as well as being hospitalized 3 times for alcoholism and major depression. I'm also ADHD. Could that keep me from getting in? Could I get away with omitting that information? Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Do NOT omit that information. Yes it is possible they will not allow you in based on it (likely inn fact they will not), but I can tell you that they CAN find out, and you can be charged for lying about it. If you put it on at least you can explain the situation (I hope you have been treated but also overcome these issues), but if you lie, it is an offense.


I have been in the military...it is not for everyone, but it is for some a very good opportunity. As to what branch well that depends on you. Everyone will tell you theirs is the best! In each branch there are many different career paths you can take depending on how well you score on aptitude tests and your education, fitness, healthy, and so forth. You can usually narrow it down, but it depends on availablility and qualifications.


Just be prepared, recruiters will tell you anything to get you in it seems....and often embellish how much freedom you may have, choices and so forth. And the thing is...you really do not..you go where they want you to go, and you may be put in danger (and war is not glamorous!)...by that point you are trained to do it, but it is still a reality. Even if you do come back okay, I know people whom have changed a LOT mentally, and not in positive ways. Be aware and educate yourself.

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k...Doesn't the job that I end up doing really determine how stressful my life will be? It's not like I'm going to go infantry. I was thinking something more a long the lines of doing something medical in the airforce or something. What I really want to do in my life is become a physician's assistant or at least just an RN. Would that be any less stressful? Probably even more stressful. I'm depressed because I don't have a purpose in life. I've never had a job and I can't get a job because I don't have a car. I live outside city limits so taxis are expensive and buses don't come out where I live. I have no one to take me to work. All I do is sit at this house and wallow in my own misery. I think the military would be very stressful at first just as any big step in life is. But I feel that I could handle it once I got settled into the new life. The only thing I'm really afraid of as far the military is concerned is the basic training. lol. But EVERYONE is afraid of that at first. I think I can do it. And if there are so many good opportunities out there please let me in on what they are. Because I can't seem to find any...

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If that is what you want to do, then contact a recuiter and find out more information. They might not let you in because of the depression, but you don't know unless you try. Making the call and asking questions is the first step.


And I think Shadows light may be onto something with the Peace Corps. It can give you valuable experiences and open you up to possibilities.

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Bummer. Check into other programs then.


Do you have any way of getting a car, maybe someone who will help you out with it if you can't afford much. Think you need to tackle one thing at a time and a big problem for you is being able to get around. Find a way of getting transportation, or perhaps even moving closer to the city so its easier to go places.

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