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22 and Never been kissed


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Hey, I just got my first kiss about 3 months ago, and I'm 19 years old. I'm in an LDR, and it's the first time I met him, so it's not like I would have smooched him at the airport. So, it was 6 days in...and I knew when he was planning to do it too...because of his nervousness, I guess. He'd always tell me about how many girls he kissed and what not in his previous years . I already told him, when we were just friends, that I've neither kissed nor hugged a guy in my entire life. He said, "Oh, well that's okay." I knew he thought it was awkward, but I didn't care one bit. When he finally kissed me, it lasted 3 seconds because I laughed inside his mouth . Then I turned away and didn't know why the eff I laughed!!! Maybe it was the jitters, who knows. Then I said, "Oh jeeze, I'm sorry..." then he said, "It's alright your nervous." Then I asked if we could try again, and we did. The second time was better! I say that if you tell the guy you've never kissed anyone, he will want to be the first one to touch your lips against his . It's nothing to be embarrassed about!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello.. well first of all i'm no expert!

But all i can say is don't rush i did when i was 13 because all of my friends were at it! Ok i loved the person but it wasn't the right moment at all!

The second person i kissed however was a different story!

As for not having a clue what to do.. the person that kisses you will probrably kiss you the way they want to be kissed. In my opinion it's up to you if you want to tell the guy that you have never kissed anyone before but if it was me i wouldn't



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Some guys are gonna get weird about it... But if they do then they obviously arnt right for you... So u would be better to keep on looking. U shouldnt be afraid to make the first move... Guys LOVE girls who make the first move. Think about it ;-)

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Some guys are gonna get weird about it... But if they do then they obviously arnt right for you... So u would be better to keep on looking. U shouldnt be afraid to make the first move... Guys LOVE girls who make the first move. Think about it ;-)


In reference to what Mark359 said, I couldn't disagree more. Honey, you are a prize and don't need to go chasing guys around. A real man who knows just how special you are will recognize it and pursue YOU.

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So I am 22, and have never kissed a guy. I fear that the longer I go without kissing someone, the more akward it's going to be... Guys out there- would you think it was really weird to be dating a girl who has never kissed anyone? When the time does come (hopefully soon!!) should I tell the guy I have no clue what the heck I'm doing? Or would that ruin it?

Thanks for the help!!


I dont think that's a big deal, I personally wouldn't care much if a girl tells me she never kissed a guy before, and it wouldn't ruin anything. Just be comfortable, breath with your nose and start out with the lips.

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I had a horrible experience when I was 15 - kissing! Then I blocked it out of my memory and didn't kiss anyone even though I badly wanted too until I was 23! (I was convinced that I repelled guys until then) And my bf who I had the 2nd lovely kiss with had only kissed a girl at primary school when he was 8!!! He even made up his sexual past to make himself look I don't know.... like he's been out there?


It doesn't matter - whoever you meet and date, kiss him when you are emotionally ready too. Some of my friends have regretted doing things to fast with guys just for the sake of "experience". Don't rush - when you meet someone special it will happen naturally - you won't be worried - it will feel good and comforting!!!!



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So I am 22, and have never kissed a guy. I fear that the longer I go without kissing someone, the more akward it's going to be... Guys out there- would you think it was really weird to be dating a girl who has never kissed anyone? When the time does come (hopefully soon!!) should I tell the guy I have no clue what the heck I'm doing? Or would that ruin it?

Thanks for the help!!



Being 22 isn't bad as being 28..I am in the same shoes as you..I am a 28 yr old male and still today I haven't kissed a girl..Seems like I am missing a big part of my manhood and yes I feel embarrassed about it.

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I never kissed a girl properly till I was 25 (first GF). She was the same, and we practically never stopped making out for 2 days solid! ;-) I wouldn't worry. If a guy is insecure about a girl because she's never kissed, that's his problem. Most guys would be chuffed to know they're the first!

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  • 7 months later...

i'm in the same boat as you all are, and i'm 21

sometimes i get mad at those girls who are desperate, that they neer kissed a guy before, lives ruined, old maids forever....when you ask their age they are 12-13 years old....that's where i get mad at them

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I think many people can relate, red lynx, but there's really no age cut off. People will always feel behind up until the moment they get their first kiss, regardless of age. Some people might be pissed that you are 21 and mentioning this, while they are 35 and have never been kissed. It's all relative.


What matters more is that common feeling of being delayed or abnormal because of it, which isn't true at all. I mean, it's not something we're proud of, and for the most part, waiting isn't something that we would've chosen had we been offered an alternative. Even if you are 12 or 13 and all your friends have been kissed at 10, you are going to feel the pressure magnified by that oh so great teenage peer pressure.


In the end, it's not age that matters, and people who are older aren't entitled to more empathy. I think at my age, 18, you might find me to be a bit of an eye-roller, but I probably feel just the same as you do. It's belittling to say that my feelings or anyone else's feelings are not legitimate because we are not esteemed to be old enough to truly feel them.


I think those 13 year olds, if anything, need perspective, just as we all do. I mean, you and I see that it's ridiculous for them to feel that way, but the point is that they do feel that way. People at all ages feel this way, be it 15, 18, 21, 35... so forth. It's socially inappropriate to have been born never having been kissed, essentially! So forget what society deems to be appropriate and just live life by your own standards. Waiting might suck, but at least you'll be mature enough to really appreciate and value your first kiss, rather than making out with 5 people a night in someone's basement.

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well my first kiss I was 13 and this girl was 18 and she smoked. It was completely disgusting.

I got over it, and I am now proud of my kissing ability. Dont say anything, just go with it, it is one of those things that you do not need to be taught, it just happens and that is it. OPEN YOUR MOUTH TO HIS AND RAM YOU TONGUE IN HIS MOUTH AND MOVE IT AROUND.. dang, saying it like that makes me not want to kiss. HAHAH

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't get my first kiss until I was 22, so don't worry about it. Some of us are late bloomers. If I was out on a date with a chick and she told me she had never kissed a guy before in her life and I was attracted to her, I would feel compelled to kiss her.

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I didn't kiss a guy until I was 23. I didn't want to kiss just anybody. I'm now 25 and have only kissed two guys and have never had a boyfriend. I figure when the time comes, it will be right. It's okay to be on the "slower" pace...who knows, maybe we're at the right pace and everyone else is going to fast!

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Yeh, let him know. My best friend is twenty, never kissed a girl, never done anything with a girl. I have known him all my life and then last month told me I just been waiting for you to kiss me. Haa Well yeh, I never kissed anyone who hasn't kissed anyone. It was a bit odd being that we were friends, but I could totally tell hes never kissed anyone!! So I mean its better to tell someone you haven't kissed before or else they may think your a bad kisser and don't know what the h*ll your doing lol

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There are plenty of late kissers so don't feel ashame about it. Everyone is different so there's really no start-age for kissing. The longer you wait, your first kiss will be that much more special and memorable. I've only been kissed three times but will always remember them because they are so far in between.

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