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well some of yall might remember me. gf thinking about dating a pro golfer now and screwing me over. today was day four of no contact. i went to the chevron at 6:30 this morning like i do every morning, to get my coffee. guess who is pumping gas there? right, the ex. the chevron is right in front of my apt so she has known that i go there every morning for four years, and it is 8 miles from her house. but she does drive past it to get to work. well there are at least 8 gas stations that she passes between her house and the chevron. did she do this on purpose? i mean im not saying she went there to see me, but she knew i would be there like clockwork. but she sure wasnt trying to avoid me, right? was she trying to get a reaction out of me or what? i politley pulled up next to her and said how are you doing? she ignored me and i pulled off. i dont get it. she doesnt have a chevron card so she didnt have to go there by any means, why did she? any comments? was she trying to get me thinking of her because i havnt called or what? thanks in advance!

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Its easy to give advice to others because there is NO EMOTIONAL INVESTMENT to us. We are on the outside looking in.


Have the same problem. When it comes to my own stuff... I need help.

Hmmmmm... come to think of it... its more fun to clean someone elses house than my own too ....coicindence???


To the OP. Don't think anything of it. Let it pass. Let it slide. NC means NC.. means.. don't think about it. It didn't happen.

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