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Massive Mood Swings on the pill

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Hey I just wanted to know whether anyone else has experience this. I do sometimes suffer from mood swings normally but since I have started taking the pill it has become worse. Recently I have been getting angry extremely easily. Just tonight I had an argument with my boyfriend - a pretty big one - because he offered to pick me up instead of me getting the bus in the dark. I went completely mad and accused him of being overprotective etc. he still isnt talking to me now actually. So then I started crying for no reason at all really. I do that now sometimes if I get stressed out I will start crying too. Anyway I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this before whilst being on the pill? Is there anything I could do which might ease the mood swings? thank u


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Switch pills.


I've also had massive moodswings on the pill. I think that you should call your boyfriend. Apologize, tell him that it's the hormones that you are ingesting.


Next, call your doctor and tell him/her about it. They can offer alternatives. There are .... gosh.... I don't know, several dozen different types of pills. Maybe another one will be better for you.


good luck

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how long have you been on the pill? if youre not long started then it does alter your mood a fair bit. once your body calms down and gets used to them, most of the mood swings should go away.


Yeah, another possibility.


See what your doctor recommends.


I've been there too - been perfectly fine and happy, and all of a sudden, started crying like someone killed my dog. Strange things these pills do....

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when i went on the oral pill i used to cry really easily. anything would set me off!! but now i am on the injectable contraceptive pill and it does not effect my moods at all. and it has an upside of not having to take a pill every day and 1 injection covers 12 weeks.

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when i first started the pill i felt a bit weird for about a month- loss of appetite mainly. then i noticed that i felt sort of weepy and depressed all the time. i eventually switched to a lower dose and now i feel great.


you may need to try a lower dose pill- its the estrogen dosage that gives you all the bad side effects (depression, weight gain, nausea, bloating etc) so going on a pill with low estrogen is best.


you have to be careful with the low dose pills however, because you need to take the pill at the same exact time every single day (since the doses are so low they go through your system faster). so i wouldnt recommend switching unless you are really responsible and vigilant!!


best of luck

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How long have you been on the pill? You can expect to have side effects like mood swings, minor water retention, and so forth for the first couple months while your body is adjusting to the hormones. After that, you will find your mood pretty balanced overall (reduced PMS symptoms, etc).


I recommend you bring this concern up with your doctor. You may need to try different pills before you find the one that works best for you in terms of doses and hormones. Every pill really works quite differently with every woman!


And call your boyfriend and apologize! Now that you know, maybe you can channel that frustration before you take it out on him again....but definitely wait a couple months and see how the pill "takes" and then check back in with your doctor.

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Definitely apologise. But also take some responsibility, don't just blame the pill because if you do that he will have no reassurance that you won't do it again. I think RayKay is right, try to channel the bad mood somewhere else.

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I have been taking the pill for 3 months now so quite new to it. I have apologised to my bf now so every thing is ok with him. he does agree that i have become very moody lately too. I am definitely going to bring it up with the doctor next time i go if nothing else has changed. One question about the injection, do you have to have it in your bottom? I dont fancy getting my bottom out! however it would be much better than the pill because i find it hard to remember to take it.

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