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16 and pregnant... Now what?


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WEll Fairy, I know who you are your no joke ....... Why did you even ask for any advice when you dont need it? This is for people who need advice not some feel sorry for me chat room ... Vallery Just if you need advice ask it. DOnt just sit around and let people guess who and what happened cause me and you both know what happened ok so just dont play like your innocent ok if you wanna start something dont start it on a Forum do it in person not like a scared chicken twit! Ok so if you need something from me dont be afraid to ask me because I might kick your butt but what ever you wanna Start Bring it on .......

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Whatever Allyson... I'm not scared of you and you want to have a cat fight you bring it on because I know i'll knock you down girl. Dont even start with me because if i need advice i can get just like you ok so leave me alone. I want to be best friends again allyson I dont want to argue and fight ok! WE have been best friends we've been 4 and I dont want that to change so please just give it up our kids are going to be siblings in a weird akward way but dont let that jerk justin break up our friendship although yes it is partly my fault too . But what do you say let work this out ok because we cant be enemies after being friends for so long ok!....

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I don't know exactly what is going on here- but if one or both of you are really pregnant- then I have to say I feel bad for whatever child would be born into a situation like that- with a mom who is willing to pick physical fights with someone while there's a baby growing inside of her.


I'm not scared of you and you want to have a cat fight you bring it on because I know i'll knock you down girl.



I might kick your butt but what ever you wanna Start Bring it on .......


It's just atrocious.




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our kids are going to be siblings in a weird akward way but dont let that jerk justin break up our friendship


If this is what I think it is- then it's really a shame.


With immature behavior like that- it does not seem that "justin" is ready to be a daddy either.


You all need to sit down together- and involve your parents- and have a major intervention before someone gets hurt.




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I agree with BellaDonna. You are acting as if you got into a fight over Barbie and Ken, when in fact all of you will soon have real live babies to look after who deserve much better than squabbling parents.


Bringing children into this world is a grown-up responsibility - time for all three of you to realise that. Get the help you will need to parent your children properly, or find people who will.

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Fairy, if you ever need to talk, you can pm any one of us about anything. Really, we are here to help.


As for the two of you. YOu both were best friends. I don't know the whole story, but I'm guessing that the same guy is the father of both your unborn babies.. and maybe that's what caused these fights?


You both need each other. It seems like the father is a jerk who isn't going to help as much as he should. Get over whatever happened and be there for each other, cause whether or not you want to admit it, you are both in the same positions and it's always easier having someone there who knows exactly what it's like. Guys are not worth ruining a friendship. Especially a guy like that.

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Post 27 should help everyone figure out what is going on.


I agree with Maggie. If you girls want to be mad at someone, be mad at the father for putting you in this position. You guys are going through the same thing and should be able to use each other for support. Your friendship isn't something that should be broken up over this. It's not worth throwing everything you have away.


Allyson, I know you are upset and hormonal (your own words). But I also know from your posts that you seem mature and want to give this baby a good life. And one way for you do to that is by working things out with your friend. Right now you are causing yourself stress over this, and thats not good for the baby. And once the baby is born, you are going to need all the support and help you can get. Don't you want your best friend to be there to give you that support? And don't you want to be able to give your friend support as well? Don't let Justin come between you two.


Fairy, you can PM any of us if you want to talk. Don't be shy or afraid, we are here to help you. And I admire the way you tried to reach out and stay friends with allyson in your post. This is a difficult situation and I hope that you guys can work it out.

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Hey THis is The other Girl ALlyson and Yeah I know what your talkin Val and I have talked this out all day and have decided to be best friends again and blame Justin for just using us then taking No responablity aat all... So now(just a joke)we are going to beat him down! Lol

WEll we have decided also that we will work out anything that stands in are way including Justin (that dodo head jerk) Apparently he didnt realize unprotectred sex with teenage girls can make him a dad But thanks to all from Val!

Vallery C. And Allyson L.

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Vallery and Allyson, nice to see that you have made up. DN is right in that you have responsibility in this too, but from the sound of things I think you are going to do what you have to and make the most of this, living up to those responsibilities the best you can. It won't be easy, but you guys can do it.

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I don't at all think Justin was smart in this situation, and the way he's acting just proves he's a jerk. However, unless he forced you into having unprotected sex, he's not completely at fault for your pregnancies. The only difference is that he's being a jerk about the consequences, while you both are taking responsibility.


I'm glad you both have decided to be friends again. Nothing is more important than having strong support from friends at these times. It's so hard to find a 'best" friend. You both seem like you can really help each other out. Just remember that friends will fight at times, that's just what happens. But usually it's not worth losing the friendship over.

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To be fair, it takes two to make a baby. You two had JUST as much responsibility in using protection as Justin did....in some ways even more so as you two have no CHOICE in doing something once you get pregnant...he does, and his choice was to run. Which is not surprising (does not make it right but it's not surprising) - he is 16 too and with at least TWO kids on the way, many would run. You two can't. Maybe one day he will want to be a dad to his kids, and I hope then you will both allow that to happen.


Get your family and friends around you and best of luck. It will not be easy, but it's doable. A baby changes your life forever in every way possible, but it does not mean for the worse. Make sure you get an education, and do your best to be positive role models for your children. Don't make this a vicious cycle.

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I'm not sure how it works, but really, how much support is a 16 year old with two kids going to be able to give? He does have a financial responsibility but to what degree is he going to be able to live up to it?


They do take that into account (ie according to his financial means) but there are places where they also look at HIS parents incomes. Sometimes in underage kids, parents are held responsible (you see this in repayments after crimes and such too).


And, while he may not have much now, it does not mean they cannot revisit child support payments in two, four, six years when he does have more income.

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I'm not sure how it works, but really, how much support is a 16 year old with two kids going to be able to give? He does have a financial responsibility but to what degree is he going to be able to live up to it?


The court will order him to get a job. He will pay as much as he can of the ordered support from his salary, and the rest will accumulate as a balance. He will pay that when he is more established.


It's a mess.... one of the reasons that teens should protect themselves when they have sex, they are clearly not ready for the consequences.

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The court will order him to get a job. He will pay as much as he can of the ordered support from his salary, and the rest will accumulate as a balance. He will pay that when he is more established.


It's a mess.... one of the reasons that teens should protect themselves when they have sex, they are clearly not ready for the consequences.


I have yet to meet a teen whom honestly takes child support into consideration though..or more often...thinks it can happen to them....


It's sad, because really, it does not usually give THEIR child the best start either. I am sure they will be loved, but it's really not a great situation all around.

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It is not just financial support he should be offering. He is going to be a father and these children will need responsible mature adults in their lives to help bring them up. Children raising children is not the best scenario but everyone involved, teenagers and their parents, have a duty to step up to the plate here.


This is not a game, nor a rivalry. It's not a soap opera, or a movie. It's not Ken and Barbie. It's cold, hard reality and is very serious. Helpless babies are going to be born and they deserve the best life that it is possible to give them.


Time to grow up, stop fighting, blaming other people, pointing fingers and avoiding responsibility.

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