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Everything posted by FairyQueen24

  1. Whatever Allyson... I'm not scared of you and you want to have a cat fight you bring it on because I know i'll knock you down girl. Dont even start with me because if i need advice i can get just like you ok so leave me alone. I want to be best friends again allyson I dont want to argue and fight ok! WE have been best friends we've been 4 and I dont want that to change so please just give it up our kids are going to be siblings in a weird akward way but dont let that jerk justin break up our friendship although yes it is partly my fault too . But what do you say let work this out ok because we cant be enemies after being friends for so long ok!....
  2. SO your pregnant too... Well YOung1 or Allyson I see your situtation somewhat resembling my own. But different... I'm glad your happy about being pregnant and I hope for the best with your pregnancy. What are you going to name her?
  3. Hey Im 16 and need someone to talk to and i'll tell anything you want to know about me. So just leave me a note thanks! Hannah R.
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