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How do I show her that i love her?

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It only helps if you actually go through with it. Good luck with that. Stay strong and stand by your word. She will see then, that not only can you keep a promise, but that what she wants means a lot to you. Always a good thing in a womans book. Or anyones book for that matter.

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Just_Wing_It, love is in the "details"... the "small" things that you do for one another just "because" you want to each other happy. Cook her a meal, spend a day with her doing things that she loves (shopping, dining out, thrifting, dancing, night at the theater, watch a "chick flick" etc.), do things for her that you know she hates (getting the oil changed, cleaning up after dinner, dumping the garbage etc.), write her a poem, get her some flowers just because... You get the idea right?


PS. The better you are at noticing what she really likes and wants and try to anticipate and fulfill those desires, the more she'll feel like you love her for her.

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Wow, thanks alot guys. Would it be better to send her flowers, or show up with them in person. We do live accross town from each other and with school and sports I really only get to see her on the weekends. And what kind of flowers do women like best? (keep in mind I don't have that much money at the moment)




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You're welcome! Either way would be nice, but if it helps I do have a very sweet high school memory of being surprised by a bouquet of flowers on my desk during first period. I did a double take and couldn't believe those were for me.


You don't have to spend much. It's the thought that counts! Wildflowers, a single rose, or a $10 bouquet you pick up at the grocery store... all will do. Just make sure you include a card that lets her know how much she means to you.

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