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the brazilian wax


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do a lot of guys prefer/"expect" you to have it?




That's not something I'd put myself through for the sake of any man.....


I think there are easier ways to accomplish hair removal. I don't know what's worse- the pain, or having someone poke and prod at you. The idea of someone "tweezing" your pubic area does not sound too fun to me.


But I do know some women that have done it. Actually the last time this topic came up it was with a woman I worked with. She was in much pain after her wax, walking funny, and complaining about irritation. But every person is different.


I guess the main advantage is that the hair takes much longer to grow back. If you want to do this for yourself then I'd suggest you ask around for a reputable salon- you don't want someone who makes it hurt more, takes longer, or who does not know what they're doing. Only do it for yourself- and not based on what some guy wants- unless he's equally willing to wax his own family jewels too....





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ouchie ouch ouch.. Its having "hard-wood floors" back and front. All hair is removed down there, back there.. YIKES.


If you are BRAVE.. I suggest going to have a professional do it.


The nice things about a wax is that you don't have to shave for a few weeks. Which is great!!! since I get stubble within.. HOURS. Yikes.


Have a read about my WAXing story.



Warning to first time Waxers.

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hey, well i have been professionally waxed three times, the first time was at the ladies house with one of my best friends, where it took abour 40 minutes to wax it all off, and it was the most painfull thing in my life... crazely enough i went back again. the third time i went to a different place, and it was over in about 20 minutes, and they did a lot better job, and was less painfull....

however, because i dont have the money at the moment, i did a home try the other day :S and yes um.. i came up in welts and rashes because of it.... must have been the wrong wax or something...


well thats my expreience.

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Brazilians get less painful with the more you have (well, at least that's what I've found). It's trial and error finding a good beautician but once you find her, stick with her. The only thing I don't like is when brazilians grow out. It's not very pretty.


9 out of 10 of my male friends prefer brazilians. The guy I'm currently sleeping with loves them. He'd spend hours down there if he could - and I can't complain!


Personally, I find it makes sex so much better. It looks better, it feels better and if I were a guy, I wouldn't want have to find my way into a jungle with a compass and a map.

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Brazilian wax. The wax is hotter than normal waxes so it uses heat to get the hair off from the root then when they pull the stip off all they are really pulling is your skin but the upside is after that your skin is baby soft. I'm guessing the first time is the most painful and embarrassing but it will seem less embarrassing during oral. If you do decide to do it you may scream but it can't be TOO painful if people do it so much. Beauty hurts I guess.

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Personally as a guy I think that a women is beautiful just as she is. I wouldn't ask a women to do anything special to try and make herself more beautiful or more attractive for me. And I certainly don't want her doing anything that would hurt. If the guy loves you, you is going to be happy either way. So do what you think is best for you, don't do it for anyone else.

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Hi there,


I just thought I'd share a few things with you since I've been waxing myself (as is common in my culture) since I was 15 or so...


Waxing your private parts hurts, but it can hurt less if you do it right. Will you do it yourself or have it done? If someone else will do it, you have no control over it, and it will probably hurt a lot since they can't control how you feel and they'll probably hurry up to finish you up and take another customer.


Make sure you cut your hair down to about 3/4 an inch before you attempt waxing, because the longer it is, the more the wax will stick to other parts you weren't trying to pull, and that's really what hurts! Start out slow and from the sides, and pull little patches at a time. Never try to pull hairs that don't grow in the same direction - you will only create ingrown hairs and irritate your skin. It's also another good idea to do a little the first day, and continue on the second day if it's too much to handle all at once.


I have seen men who expect you to be hairless down there, and I've seen men who love it the natural way. It's hard t know, but personally I like having little or no hair since it's cleaner. And I would never use another method besides waxing, because the hair that grows back afterwards and the time it takes to grow back is just not the same... For me, it's worth the pain.


If you PM me, I can tell you a whole lot more from my own experience... It does hurt, but thinking of all the headache it will save you for 3-4 weeks, it's well worth it. it's just another one of those things you get used to.

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I have a preference for brazilian waxes. I dont believe in forcing a person to do something they dont want to do but that is my preferred method of hair removal. It is a personal thing some women take the time to get it done while others dont. I appreciate the extra effort when a girl gets a brazilian wax.

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Although we women like to look good..everywhere for our guy, the bottom line is they generally care when we make it a priority for us to care about something. If you are with a guy who like brazillans..most likely he LEARNED to like them from a former female. Take care of you...first for you and he will learn to appreciate that part of you. I like brazillans because they are neat and make me feel cleaner...especially in the summer


What ever you do with you waxing or shaving...do what you like, but make it a priority because you like it..you want to be clean or neat or not have yuck bikini line hair sticking out...what ever the case...just you go with it. I say this because no two guys will like the same thing and you don't need to start with something as private as you PRIVATES..being concerned about what a guy will or won't like. It's your body..treat it like the temple it is and see just how the RIGHT guy responds to ALL of you

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you don't need to start with something as private as you PRIVATES..being concerned about what a guy will or won't like. It's your body..treat it like the temple it is and see just how the RIGHT guy responds to ALL of you


EXACTLY. I agree. If a partner demands this of you or complains, then you might want to re-evaulate your relationship.


But it if this is something you want to do for YOU, then that's a different story.




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Although I never had one done and I AM CURIOUS TO TRY ONE.(sorry caps were on), I THINK some men if not women prefer it.


Here is what I HAVE HEARD from men and women what they like about it.


That it makes the pubic area softer -the hair that is-and smoother.


It gives the man the impression that he is closer to the vagina when he is penetrating the area for intercourse. Not everyone agrees with this, but this is what I HAVE heard and found out from others.


I thought some men like the idea of watching a women masturbate shave herself in that area or other freaky things like that. That was my ex's thing mind you.

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Well, IMHO hair on male and female privates is disgusting, dirty, etc. So I trim my privates very shortly as my skin is, well, a mess (too sensitive, really awfull scaring, etc).


I really dont' like hair down there, so I keep myself well groomed down there and, well, exped my gf to do the same. I love when she just shaved, hate it when it is a 3 day shave, and would love if she tried a brazilian, but she wont...

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I've always wanted to try one and once I get the money I plan on finding a place. And it's not that I care if the guy wants it- I want it. And if you want it, go for it. I feel sexier when theres nothing down there. And personally, I don't mind hair on guys but i HATE it on girls. Being bare looks and feels sexier to me.


I say go for it! Try everything once

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