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Congratulations to all you heartbroken folks for making it past this Christmas. The wretched Muzak will cease blaring those holiday tunes that dredge up painful memories and we can get on to popular tunes that dredge up different painful memories. No more insane shopping traffic when we go out to pick up another case of Kleenex at the store. (No, I don't need that gift-wrapped, thanks.)

We got past awkward family gatherings, lonely nights with a bottle despising Santa for not fixing our lives, and feeling guilty about not being festive for a holiday we might not really enjoy when our ex was here. Some of us may have dodged the well-meaning invitations of friends who felt sorry for us or wanted to heal our wounds with their holiday religious zeal. We may have packed on or lost weight, found something on sale we really wanted or just wasted some time off from work feeling like the only miserable soul on earth.

In a short while, we can flip the calendar to a new slate, try to forget the crappiness of 2005 and hope to get heathy, positive and strong.

Or maybe just get laid.


If we can get past this day, maybe some future days will be easier.

Here's hoping!

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And all that stroke of mid-night kissing.. boo hoo hoo.


Thought about putting on the stand-by little black dress, heels...

and tagging along as 3rd wheel.


Don't know whats worse.. sitting home alone and watching * * * * CLARKS ROCKIN EVE... or Watching others smooch at mid-night first hand.


hmmmm.... staying at home and no company. Going out, feeling like the 3rd wheel...and possibly getting hugs and kisses on the cheek from friends.... yikes... either way. I home alone come 2am.

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OK doomsayers and fatalists...let's not fret too much on New Year's because Valentine's Day is closing fast!


Seriously, if you were on a deserted island and our nifty PDA's, cell phones and cheap credit card bank sized calendars were not available to us, those days would come and go like any other day.


The symbolism of these days isn't about what the day brings, it's about what you bring to it. It's not what everyone else is doing on these days, it's about what you are doing on that day. It's not about what you use to feel on these days, it's about what you want to feel today.


Any way you look at it, you are at the center of each day and it's up to you how you want to live it.

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You see dates and events can work for you or against you. 9/11 has become a very sad day to many including myself but one year to the day after those vicious attacks, I had my attorneys finalize my divorce on 9/11 in order to change it back to a happy day. You see we control our on emotions by what we believe to be good and bad. I'm not saying to be cynical by any means, I'm saying to make yourself responsible for your own happiness.

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RC does it again! What a guy!

On 9/11 I was wheeled into a mental hospital trussed up to a gurney like Hannibal Lecter, strip searched and locked up with severely disturbed people for three days. I'm still angry about that little detour my shrink arranged for me.

You da man, RC!


What's next, coach?

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On 9/11 I was wheeled into a mental hospital trussed up to a gurney like Hannibal Lecter, strip searched and locked up with severely disturbed people for three days. I'm still angry about that little detour my shrink arranged for me.


WELL then DAKO.. this ONE had me rolling in the aisles.. Its quite descriptive. You'll have to explain this one one day.. LOL.

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