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I like girls who aren't quiet and like to talk... and can consequently be happy to take the load of the conversation


Talking is interesting to me, that's just the way it is.

I like comfortable silence too, but you have to know someone quite well to get to that stage of really comfortable silence and it tends to be easier to get to know sociable girls.


I'm trying hard to think of a shy girl I've met too!

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There's shy and then there is mute.


I tend to like girls whom are not overly talkative, yet aren't deathly afraid to talk when needed. Of course, being a slightly extroverted person (I used to be incredibly shy, but have opened up more), it can sometimes feel great knowing that I am not the shy one when I talk to someone who is shyer than me.


In my opinion, there needs to be balance. Usually girls who are shy at first open up gradually as the friendship grows... sometimes becoming a completely different person around you versus a group of strangers.

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I like the girl who appears shy but can open up as you get to know her...If a girl is too shy to talk at all, even in private, its a turn off. But at the same time, I'm more attracted to the the quiet girls (at first glance) than the ones who aren't.

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Shy girls, like shy guys, are in my estimation the best. They do not dominate the conversation, always needing to be the center of attention. Because they are more indrawn they tend to be more sympathetic and caring towards others. They often have the most to do say and are the most enlightening because they spend so much time thinking instead of speaking. Some people speak a lot, but say nothing. Shy people tend to only speak when necessary, but what they say has more value.


And the thing that people never get about shy people is that once they are comfortable and feel like they are around someone they can honestly trust, there are many elements to the person that most people will never get to see.

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