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Hey all, I am in need of some gift suggestions.


As you know my ex and I are getting quite close again, and I am wondering if I should pick her up a little something for christmas.

Though, I don't know if she's getting me anything at all..


Do you think this is smart? Or would it make me come off as overly zealous?


If it's a good idea, what's something a 15 year old girl would like? She is into volleyball/soccer.. and smart in school, attractive.


Also, we're hanging out at the school dance tonight, tomorrow night at a friends house.. and probably a few more times here and there.. do you think I should wait and see how these things go and base my decision on that?



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I am wondering if I should pick her up a little something for christmas.


I think that wouldn't be a bad idea...the key thing is it should really be a little something. You don't want to scare her off. Something small that shows you were thinking about her would be nice.


do you think I should wait and see how these things go and base my decision on that?


This may be a good idea. You may try to feel things out and maybe drop some hints to figure out what she might like. I think the more time you spend together the closer xmas gets, you will be able to figure out whether or not to get something and what to get.

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The CD is a good idea. Getting a christmas gift doesn't have to come off as anything- it's Christmas! The gift-giving season!


If you want to go for something a little more personal but still light, why not get her some nice body shop stuff- body butter, bath stuff, etc. They sell them in gift sets. That's a slightly romantic gift, but still not too big of a gesture. Girls love feeling pretty and nothing does it better than self-pampering


If that idea still makes you feel a bit iffy, why not try something that never fails: A book. Or Book certificate. If she's academic, she'll appreciate it. Do a little snooping- find out who her favourite author is, all time favourite book, etc. I'm a huge book worm, so that gift would be something I'd love without coming off too strong

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