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my chance to knock his socks off! How can I do this?

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ok, so i have already asked for flirting tips and got some help there. This one is a bit more specific...

I have a thing for one of my guy friends. His best friend told me that he too is interested (seems immature, but just kinda happened that way). Anyway, his friend told me that he is scared to make the first move, since we are friends and he would be crossing that barrier. The thing is, I am just as scared to make the first move but I know that I need to do it to put his mind at ease. I think I confuse him because to be honest, sometimes I just don't know how to act around him. We will both be at a party that is fastly approaching and I think that will be my chance to let him know that I am welcome to "exploring the out of friendship boundaries", haha!

So, for the guys, what can I do that would be incredibly sexy to let him know that I like him? I am not talking the typical flirting tactics....this has to be mind blowing! Is there something I can say to him to knock his socks off??

Girls what would you do if you were me?? Have any of you been in this situation? if so, what did you do?

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Best thing is to just not dance around it and say you like him. But I understand not being willing to do that, it is scary. So otherwise it is lots and lots of flirting.Tell him he looks good. If you are at that party ask him to dance and say he is the only guy there you want to dance with. Give him lots of smiles and special looks that hint how you feel.

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Well I think that in between being blunt (I'd love for everyone to just be blunt - it would make life so much easier!) and flirting maybe lies asking him out to do something alone in a romantic way.


It's easier then saying "I like you" (by a little bit ) and more specific then flirting.

Depending on your suggestion it could knock his socks off just as you wanted


edit: oh and yeah, I don't think the thing you ask him to do matters too much... if you make it obvious that you want to spend some alone time with him then he will know that you like him.

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