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miss her do they regret it

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Hi All,


Ive been doing so well with the N/C


split up for 8 months, N/C for about 4months, nothing from her since we split (even tho she was always a stubborn person)


I was doing so well with N/C, got stronger, yeah!! miss her and her daughter like crazy.. but! been stronger in getting on with things meeting people, thinking theres more to life than just her even though I would still love that text or Email out of the blue reallyn would, even though I dont know how I would react to that!!!!!



Its just hit me tonight for some reason, what is she doing ? who is she with, if at all, is she missing me ? thinking about me ?


do they still think about us !! do they still miss us!!!!

do they still have regrets !!!!!!!!!!!


sorry ! had to just get this off my chest



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That depends on how long and strong the relationship was and how bad the breakup but I would assume if the relationship was anything substantial, you can't just forget it. I still remember my first relationship many years. I have long moved on but occasionally even now, it'll pop into my mind.

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So if you get dumped and its out of the blue and you call and call and say things you dont mean to other people and it gets back to them and basically they are glad they broke up with you....that is a bad breakup?


Or is a bad breakup where someone cheated or there was a fight about something or where one person just treated the other horribly?

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It depends on how long the relationship was and how good it was. If it was a good length of time and a good relationship then they will never forget you. They might miss you at times and they will miss the times you had but unfortunately that doesnt mean they are coming back. Its been 8 months for you and you really need to move on.


You want to know what she is doing and what not, well I know a lot of what is going on with my ex and you are better off not knowing. There are things you just dont want to know trust me. I still talk to my ex but I am getting to the point where I dont care anymore. Go out, meet other women, I know its hard b/c I just got out of college and got dumped and the opportunity to meet women is a lot lower.


Continue to work on yourself, try to be happy, we all have aura's that we give off and the sooner you start being happy again and stop thinking about your ex is when things will get a lot better.


When you start moving on, you will start noticing things. Like you will catch girls looking at you, you will feel better, you will be more confident. Let go of her and come to terms with the fact that she is never coming back. False hope is the worst thing in the world.

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I still think about my ex's. Don't you still think about yours? I regret that I lost feelings for a great guy because he is a great guy but I don't regreat my decision to leave him. Some I think fondly of and have lots of good memories, others I despise and try not to think about but sometimes they pop up. None of them I miss at this point in time, even the one who broke my heart, though I do hope they are all doing well. I've learned something from all my relationships which has helped me develop into the person I am today. I never forget the past nor do I dwell on it; it is simply a part of who I am.


So I am sure your ex will still think of you though I don't know the hows, whys, or whens.

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So if you get dumped and its out of the blue and you call and call and say things you dont mean to other people and it gets back to them and basically they are glad they broke up with you....that is a bad breakup?


Or is a bad breakup where someone cheated or there was a fight about something or where one person just treated the other horribly?


Well it depends on the person and how they take thing that are said about them. But that is pretty bad if you are badmouthing someone to people. Im' sure they won't forget the person doing it but they won't want to ever be with them again.

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