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I just want to share some happy thoughts and say thanks!

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I first want to say Thank You to everyone who has given me advice. Its been hard for me lately, and everyone here has been very supportive and understanding, even when I've been frustrating and stubborn and whiney. You've all given such wonderful advice and I appreciate it so much.


When I was talking to my mother today, she said something that made a lot of sense to me. She said "If you are completely happy by yourself, you will find someone who is happy by themselves...and when you find that nothing could be better". It made a lot of sense to me. And I thought about if I would want to be with the kind of insecure person with low self esteem that I am right now, and the truth is, I probably wouldn't. I want to be with someone happy and confident and satisfied. And I can't really ask for more than I have to give.


Beyond that, it occurred to me that a friend of mine was depressed until she had a boyfriend. And I thought, well I'd stop being sad if I had one too. But then I realized, why should I be happy ONLY when I've got a boyfriend, when I could be happy all the time?


So I've decided that I need to take some time to work on being happy by myself before looking for love. I still want to begin to flirt, smile and be friendly with men (and everyone else, too), but I need to discover what it takes for me to be satisfied and content without a man before I will find a man who will be worthwhile. And besides, I think taking the time to learn how to be happy cannot possibly be time wasted...especially if I act friendly and don't close myself off to people like I have done in the past. Just because I'm not looking doesn't mean I have stop flirting with and liking them.


Anyway, I just want to say that I've decided that I want to re-discover myself and do things that will make me feel happy and warm on the inside as a single girl without a boyfriend and without worrying about dating. I want to start remembering what makes me feel good, find some interests, hobbies, connect with people who are worth connecting with, maybe even find something new to learn. I want to change my life now, instead of always talking about it.


I just wanna say thanks to everyone here who has given me good advice, even when I sometimes ask the same question over and over again. You guys are really great!

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